Want to go to Summer of
Sonic but haven’t got a ticket?
Well don’t despair yet! We have an extra 10 tickets for Summer of Sonic this year, and we will be giving them away tomorrow (Tuesday 26th of June) to 10 very lucky Sonic fans!
SEGASonic:Radio, The Sonic Stadium’s internet radio station has recently been undergoing refurbishment and will soon be returning to the airwaves. As a pre-launch event, SS:R will be back for one night only tomorrow, broadcasting between 6pm – 11pm BST, with five shows bringing you Sonic tunes old and new! During those shows, our DJs will be giving away 5 pairs of Summer of Sonic tickets to lucky listeners!
So how do you win these tickets? Well, you’ll just have to tune in to find out! (Let’s just say it might help to know your Summer of Sonic history!)
Whether you need a ticket or not, come along and tune in to all of the Pre-SoS fun, and chat to other Sonic fans via the IRC Chatroom!
How to tune in:
You can tune in using the SS:R and Sonic Stadium chatroom applet. The chatroom can also be accessed via IRC clients such as chatzilla using the server irc.surrealchat.net and joining #sonicstadium.
You can also listen in by launching SS:R in iTunes or other music players by clicking this link (beware you may have to refresh in between shows).
Still a chance! woop XD
YESTESYESYESYESYES!!!! Defiantly tuning in, need those tickets
Good luck guys and girls! ^v^
Make that 12, I have to give up my two Summer Of Sonic tickets because I can’t go anymore…
“Let’s just say it might help to know your Summer of Sonic history”
Well, that’s not exactly fair
YES! there’s still a chance!
Ummm…the link isn’t working for me…
doesn’t work for me either
Does it work for anyone???
Me neither
T-bird, Dreadknux, help us…please??
Excuse me, I want to listen in, but the link is broken is there anyway I can listen in and get into the chat?
I posted a comment about this a few mins ago, it doesn’t work for anyone, we just have to wait until they say something until we can get on :/
The ACTUAL link is http://radio.sonicstadium.org:8000/ssr.aac
Someone screwed up and didn’t add the right number of zeros! only wants to work on iTunes though.
Am disappointed.
Good luck to anyone entering…c u in July! x D
Ok I got it on, but I can’t get onto the chat to enter the competition :’(
Shannah- speak to Karl George on the Facebook page, he had a spare ticket going. Honestly it’s worth keeping an eye on there for any last minute duplicates, cancellations etc.
Who won them, I entered but I didnt hear the end of it so I don’t know who got them, can anyone tell me?
Oh, I missed it again! This time, I was so busy. By the time I realised about this, it was already too late! I cannot believe this! I have missed my second chance now! I never went to a Sonic convention before! I really wanted to go! I am really angry and tearful! I feel completely heartbroken! I am having no luck at all! I just wish that someone in their heart would give me two tickets for me and my mum. But please don’t do that for the sake of it. It’s just if anyone is going there but don’t really care about Sonic, but just to be social there, then really they have to lose their tickets because that would be pointless and selfish to go there and not liking Sonic. Or if someone could reserve the two tickets for me, please! I already lost my chance with the final wave and already lost another from being busy and not knowing about the Sonic radio selling 10 tickets! I desperately want to go! Please!