What would any Sonic convention be without a chance to meet the people who have helped shape the universe we know and love? I dread to think! Never fear however, for at this year’s Summer of Sonic the signing desk will once again be open to give you a chance to meet your idols.
Throughout the day there will be several sessions in which you will have the opportunity to meet the likes of Takashi Iizuka, Steve Lycett, Johnny Gioeli and Jun Senoue, for a quick chat and to get their autograph as a memento of the event.
In previous years we’ve been very relaxed when it has come to the signing tables; many of you will remember queues snaking around the hall clogging up other areas, or frustration at being turned away after waiting for hours. This time around we’ve decided to lay down a few ground rules that should allow more of you a chance to meet the stars, as well as to help you make the most of the day.
1. There will be a strict one autograph rule in place each session so that as many people have an opportunity to get a signature – we know some of you would love your entire Sonic game collection signed by Iizuka-san, but this would not be fair on other attendees hoping for signatures.
2. As the signing sessions are likely to be
extremely popular, there will be no opportunity to go behind the
desk for photos with the guests at this session.
3. Queuing will only be allowed within the designated
queuing area. This will be clearly marked with a member of staff on
hand to help. If you are queuing outside of this area, you will be
asked to move away by staff.
4. Queue jumping will not be tolerated, at all, as will the holding of spaces for friends.
5. The signing desk queue will be opened 10 minutes before the start of a signing session, so that we can start the sessions as soon as the guests are available.
6. Once the queuing area reaches capacity the gates will be closed, but will be re-opened at regular intervals up until around 20 minutes before the end of each signing session. The staff will advise you on when to return in order to join the queue.
7. Please respect the staff manning the signing desks, and follow their instructions.
Please bear in mind that these signing sessions are likely to be a popular event during the day; these rules have been designed to give as many of you as possible a chance to meet the guests. Other opportunities for photos with our guests will be available during the day.
Most of all, have fun, and enjoy meeting the stars!
- Vger
I can’t wait to see Jun and Johnny again! ^__^ And it’s gunna be cool to meet Takashi Iizuka!
“strict one autograph” So one from Jun, one from Johnny, one from Iizuka and one from Lycett?
That’s right! One from each. It’d be too cruel to only allow one autograph between them! Who would you choose!?
If i only had to choose one, then it would be Takashi Iizuka! (because I don’t have his autograph yet xD) I just need to find something for him to sign in my merch collection and then I’m all good lol
Thanks Svend!
o.M.G! evy will be soo excited .even more now! we both just can,t wait for the day to arrive.will she get a chance to get an autograph? ………
Nice to know it will be more moderated this year! Can’t wait to get my Sonic Adventure 2 signed by Jun Senoue! Also, are you only allowed to meet one guest, or can you meet more?
The autograph rule is so you don’t bring 20 copies of CDs, say, for Jun to sign. You can get the autograph of all of the guests!
So no photo’s at all?
If you’ve got a camera ready and friend willing to take a photo when you meet, that’s fine – we can’t have people farting around with camera settings and modes though!
So we can get a photo with them when they sign our stuff if we’re really quick about it? I can do that!
Not so much really quick- If you have someone else taking the photo when your stuff is being signed then it’s fine, but as was said before, we’re not having the guests jumping back and forth between two sides of a signing table, or attendees doing the same.
There’ll be times throughout the day where you’ll be able to snap up a photo.
So again, not if “really Quick” – You only get a photo from it if a friend takes it from outside the queue.
Okay. I’m really looking forward to the photo session with them! That’s the biggest reason I’m coming to SoS so I hope I get the chance!
does that mean only one CD can be signed each by Crush 40?
Oh well no photos. Doesn’t matter. More important is what can I bring to have signed. I just don’t know. XD
Just noticed the bit saying there will be other opportunities for photo’s during the day. Really need one with Jun, we’ve had photo’s taken for each SoS we’ve been to.
Jun loves coming out to meet the fans, I don’t think this year will be any exception!
woohoo! I had my t-shirt signed by Iizuka last year and had a photo with Jun but no signing. My goal this year is to get my Crush40 cd signed and nab them for a snapshot during the day… Then I’ll be truly happy no matter how awesome the rest of the day is.
So if we don’t make the first signing session queue, then we have a chance for the second one?
Some of our guests are going to be really busy on the day – we hope to offer two signing sessions during the day with most of our guests, so you can chose which events you want to go to.
Will these be more toward the beginning or the end of the day?
Awesome! Thanks you’re really a lot of help! I’ve been dreaming of this moment since I was a child and I’m traveling all the way from the USA to see this convention
Can’t wait to be there!!
Crikey I have no clue what I’d have anyone sign besides my Shadow Zone CD by Johnny
Also a question, what would the approximate first signing session be? My mate wants to know when so he can get it “quickly out the way” so he can meet them all and relax the rest of the day instead of being on high alert
Thanks for any help
The guests will be signing at different times during the day from midday to late afternoon – a full timetable will be published soon so you can plan the day ahead.
Will we be able to buy Crush 40 CDs at the con for them to sign here?
CDs we can’t confirom yet, but there will be Crush 40 merchandise available.
Do you know what types of merchandise?
Expect T-Shirts, posters, hats etc…
hats and posters eh geuss I’ll be getting my merch-hog on then
I might get my Sonic Generations 3DS game signed by Jun Senoue and Iisuka Takashi. I wonder if there’ll be a time we can take a photo with them. Either way, a memorial photo is good enough for me =p.
I so gotta get something by Jun, Johnny and
I can get Johhny to sign my Sonic Adventure 2 Battle since Yuji Naka, Takashi Izukia and Jun Senoue signed it. Oh I’m so excited!!
Good, last time a few people jumped in front of me for friends and I’m not too fussed for photos as long as I already have a print for them to sign
hi im comin this year but what time will tickets be accepted ?
We will be opening around 10-10:30am.
is it no tickets no entry this year?
Hi Joseph. This year SoS is completely ticketed. This is to avoid disappointment of people coming along on the day and being unable to come in.
Just a quick question to clarify. For the one autograph rule, can be split between items? Say if I wanted a Sonic album signed by Jun, and a Hardline album signed by Johnny (so it’s still only one autograph each), would this be possible?
I just wouldn’t want any misunderstandings if anyone saw me holding two music CD’s in the que.
(If you’re wondering, Hardline is another rockin’ band that Johnny does vocals for and I heartily recommend them. Especially since he released a new one this year)
That’s not a problem.
Umm… I’ve got a problem, I have a friend who wanted to come to the event but is unable to, she asked me to get Johnny’s autograph but at the same time so do I. Would it be too much to ask if I could get one thing signed for myself and another for my friend?
Will it matter if im a couple of hours late