Last year, we introduced a brand new event at the Summer of Sonic: the Fan Showcase. This allowed us to provide talented fans with a platform to perform in front of like-minded friends, fans and family. A lot of the performing acts on stage ended up being singers, like the talented Zonic and charismatic Kati Katsaros. Because of this, we’re doing things a bit differently in 2012.
… Quite what we have planned, we’ll reveal in full later! But, you can bet your last gold ring that singing will be involved. That could mean you, if you think you’re good enough!
We’re on the hunt for a male singer and a female singer that can help make our stage show an explosive one for the Summer of Sonic audience! And, we thought it would be fun if we asked those of you who are already planning on coming to take part!
- The male singer will be on stage to sing It Doesn’t Matter from Sonic Adventure 2.
- The female singer will be on stage to sing Believe in Myself from Sonic Adventure 2.
- Both singers must be already attending Summer of Sonic 2012 and able to travel to the venue before 12:00 noon.
So how do you take part? Follow these simple steps:
- Make an audio (or video) recording of you singing It Doesn’t Matter from Sonic Adventure 2 (male) or Believe in Myself from Sonic Adventure 2 (female).
- Post it onto YouTube and send the link, or the audio recording directly to Svend at Remember to include your full name just in case we pick you!
The closing date for entries is 30th June 2012.
Two questions.
1 Does it matter how good the sound quality is of the file send to you guys.
2 When do the ‘winners’ get to know when they’ve won.
1. Average mp3 or aac quality will be fine. 128kbps, etc. Don’t go nuts on making it super-high quality, but don’t send in something that we’re not likely to hear your voice from either.
2. We’ll announce the lucky pair after the weekend, so Monday 2nd July!
Since it’s a recording, I’ll do it anyway… although I’m not going to SoS, I just wanna show you my mirror shattering voice. Atleast one person. XD
Against the rules, yes, but meh, I’m not going to win anyway. I’ll just put it on youtube and show you guys. XD
Hi! I have a ticket to go and I can sing Believe in Myself!!
Gonna have to get learning believe in myself, I wish i was a boy right now because I no all the words to that song, why do I have a boyish voice, ugh
Sounds like fun
I hope that if I get picked I can still sing in my
Nothing against singing in cosplay, may make it more fun!
Sounds like this is gonna be super fun
Even if I don’t get selected, I
won’t care as it’s all about taking part and having fun

I’m from Portugal. Do I need to reside in the UK to participate? I think I can sing It Doesn’t Matter okay…
You don’t have to be from the UK, you just have to be able to come to Summer of Sonic (and already have your ticket registered). Feel free to send in your skills.
Oh, I thought that if I were to be selected, I would only pay for the trip. Since it’s already on the 7th of July, I may not be on time. By the way, is there going to be just a tiny possibility to have a Summer of Sonic event outside of the UK, or am I just daydreaming here? xD
Sadly, the main problem with moving SoS to anywhere else is that all us organisers live in the UK. We know the countries within the UK better, and so it’s easier for us to make many decisions.
We’d love to have one elsewhere, but it involves a lot more planning on our part…and a lot more money usually aswell
But you never know…I always say I’ll win the lottery one day haha
Oh, darn! My voice isn’t good for that song… Well, see ya at Sonic Boom, and Summer of Sonic! I’m going to both!
Early Happy Birthday, Sonic! Never stop running!
How old do you have to be to submit an entry?
No age limit at all!
Wow! I’ll give it a go then! I may just be 13, but it’s still worth a try!
I’m 13 too. I think I’ll try!
Pingback: Summer of Sonic Seeking Singers for SA2 Songs | TSSZ News
Oo I so want to do this! Does it have to have the backing track?
It might help you keep tempo, but it’s not essential!
You know what Umi? Screw it. You and I are gonna sing on stage. I’m going to give it a go and I happen to be selected by chance promise that you’ll come sing along.
….Challenge accepted
Although, as girl, I really wanted to do it doesn’t matter. At least it isn’t fly in the freedom?
As a bloke I’d love to do Believe in Myself! =) Rules are rules though!
I guess. I’ll do my best
Oh my god, Challenge totally accepted! Believe in myself was all I ever sung when I Was 8
Hmmm…. I may give this a shot. c_c
Oh good lord I can only dream of what the “prize” is, imagine if you got to sing with Johnny Gioeli live on stage.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaah I wanna go so bad, I wish I could sing too D:
where can i find it doesnt matter?
also, can anyone under 12 enter?
No age restriction on this competition at all – we will only be judging the singing!
Could be worse, Flying the Freedom is a lot harder to sing! Believe in Myself is a good belting song just like Eggman. Lol ;0)
Sounds fun, I think I’ll have a go at this.
*whips out the PS3 mics XD*
When whoever wins the competion does the performance, are they provided with an backing track or something along thoselines? What I mean is what gets provided for them?
They will be singing against a backing track, yes.
And [secret].
Coming all the way from the USA!! I’ll send in something!! Even if I don’t get selected, I’ll still be happy that I entered and that fact that I’m actually going to Summer of Sonic in the UK is AMAZING!! I’ll have fun no matter what!!
Ah nice! You’re coming all the way from the US! May I ask, which city or state? = )
Atlanta, GA
Nice! Hope to have a chat with ya – it’s nice to see other international travellers to this wonderful event.
Yeah I’ll be floating around ^_^ I’m kinda’ short with shoulder length Brown hair and I’ll be wearing a shirt that says “You’re Too Slow” with the classic sonic on it. I also have blue streaks. If Jun Senoue or Crush 40 is nearby, I’ll probably be nearby too XD
Where are you travelling from?
lol my voice is in it’s breaking stage. i will attempt it anyway
Darn, I didn’t get any tickets. :/ But I know Believe in Myself by heart. :’( Next year?
Without a doubt, I feel that I should give this a bash – After all, for a Sonic Nut (and game/SEGA collector) like me, it would be an utterly fantastic/dream-like experience!
To meet Jun & the crew, too would be truly amazing..!
Just sent in my recording, hope it was good enough
I might be posting in. ^_^
Jesus… I’ve been waiting for an opportunity like this. Can we have the Didgeridoo remix? *SHOT*
But yeah I’ll stick to planning my own thing on the day like in SOS2007… Singing a whole bunch of stuff with mates for a recording – who knows. XD
I’m sure there are girls and boys out there who will give this a real good shot on stage. Love to hear it! *thumbs up*
What sort of prize are we looking at?
It doesn’t matter? That’s more a test of lung capacity than signing! Might give it a shot anyway!
I uploaded my one.
Do you listen to the entire track that we send in or just enough for you to make a decision and to move on? Just curious because I sent in the entire track >.<
I’ve just submitted one of each (although that probably invalids my entry!!). Trying to sing falsetto to Believe in Myself is funny though XD
If you want a preview, hit me up on SoundCloud (
Here’s mine
what if I dont HAVE a ticket, will you send me a U.K. ticket or am i discualified
Sorry, the contest closed a few days ago!