It’s back! It’s my pleasure to welcome you to the official website for the Summer of Sonic 2012 convention! This will be the place you need to come to for all your announcements, discussion and (of course) tickets to this year’s event!
For those of you who are new to this event, a very special welcome! The Summer of Sonic is an annual fan-organised convention that celebrates everything about our favourite video game character, Sonic the Hedgehog.
What began as a grassroots fan-funded affair in 2008, our debut year, has now become an internationally-recognised event supported by SEGA Europe. This year will mark SoS’ fifth year, and as such we’re preparing to bring the thunder.
This year’s Summer of Sonic event will take place on Saturday July 7, in the area of the UK’s capital city – London. We’ll be bringing you updates on a regular basis, and will reveal more concrete details very soon!
Until then, feel free to register your interest in this year’s event by posting in the comments box below! Any ideas you might have will surely be taken on board too, so let us know what you would like to see! On behalf of the entire Summer of Sonic team, I’d like to thank you for your support over the last five years – and your continued support too! Let’s party!
Svend Joscelyne / Dreadknux
Wooooo! Cannot wait for this years event!
Im definatly coming 
Also, just wondering, any chance you could open requests to join your Facebook group? I’m kind of scared of missing out on some important info
Hey Bark, don’t worry! I regularly check those wanting to join the facebook page and add them in myself
If you’ve requested to join recently, you should
have been added. Done my most recent adding not 5 minutes ago!
Oh thanks, I got added
looks good so far, can’t wait to come this year
Awesome entry Svend! Cannot wait for SoS12 this year! (A week after my 18th too!)
3rd one for us and 1st time to go to the after party
soo looking forward to this one 
Can’t wait for Summer of Sonic this year. Has been amazing the last two years. Looking forward to seeing what you’ll be doing and where it’ll be. Hopefully good air-con and even bigger than the last venue
Count me in
I have a feeling this years is going to be even better
than last year 
This will be my 1st time coming. I didn’t know they was doing a Sonic convention in the UK but I’m glad I got told by a good friend =]
I really hope there is some form of kareoke ;D I want to dazzle everyone with my skills
Looking forward to it. Wes Weasley shall definitely return!
This has already made this convention a MUST.
you not getting me on that kareoke I’ll be drawing till i drop!
I will drag you
and I will be drawing also XD
you can try lol
~We all danced in Fire, Trapped in this machine~
I WANNA PERFORM SOMETHING ON STAAGEE!!! Where do I go to sign up? D:
I’d really like some form of karaoke or some other form where people from the audience will sing. I’ve been trying for the last years to get into the wrecks factor but haven’t been chosen up untill now. So I will just have to try again this year, even if I have to steal the mic in the cosplay contest. ;D
Excellent! Supa excited!
i know this year is gonna be awesome since all the other ones were.would like to see club sonic making a return, and also the community artists/performers.
Great to see the site up and running! I do have a suggestion in regards to autograph lines. If a line for a certain person is going to end at a certain time or in a certain amount of minutes, put it on the information screen. This would make it easier for everyone in line to know vs someone going around announcing it The problem with someone simply going around announcing it is:
-Cutoff time gets announced to the line itself
-More people join the line not knowing the cutoff time because they didn’t hear the announcement
-The line gets cut off once that time is reached
-Confusion for those who just joined the line but didn’t hear the cutoff time arises
With the information being available on the screen all the upcoming event time and other information is shown, it would make it easier for people to plan ahead better instead of standing in line for nothing.
Is this year’s SoS going to be ticked only? Last year that was a huge line for those who didn’t register in time and there was a lot of disappointment from those who had to wait all day due to the demand to get in. I wouldn’t be surprised if the demand for this year’s SoS is even bigger than last year’s.
I’d also like to see some stricter enforcements when it comes to autographs if we have them this year. It annoyed me to pieces that so many people got half a dozen things signed when they were only supposed to have one thing signed.
This too. I totally forgot about that. Limiting signing to one item will help make the line move a little bit faster since there would be less hold up.
This would be appreciated, i only just got my cart signed by naka-san and iizuki-san after being in a queue for 2 hours only to almost have the people behind me stopped and myself almost stopped but only let through by turbo’s good nature.
I brought up the issue before, and apparently people were supposed to only have one item signed. I find it a bit selfish myself; everyone who went to the event was a Sonic fan to some degree – where’s the community spirit when all you care about is yourself and getting loads of things signed to sell on eBay? I’d like to see someone actually manning the autograph booth this year (again, if we have people there to sign stuff!), to ensure people only have one item out.
The official date of The Summer of Sonic 2012 + The official website for The Summer of Sonic 2012 =
….But I live in America….crap….
Consider my interest very much registered. I have absolutely no hesitation in moving sky and earth to continue my 100% attendance record. I do have a couple of suggestions of my own, whether or not they are realistic I’ll leave for you to decide…
First things first, I would say make it “no ticket, no entry” because I saw how many people decided to turn up on the day in great cosplays and I would have been very disappointed had I been in that line. It’s just a massive burden off of everyone’s chests if there isn’t anyone stuck outside.
For me, the highlight of each SoS has always been the musical performances, so I think more guests old and new should be one of the highest priorities. Top of my wishlist is TJ Davis, because she is so so talented and lovely and I want her to know just how much she would be appreciated singing in Sonic games again. I would imagine Jun Senoue would come back happily, but it would be cool to see Johnny come back too. Lee Brotherton and Richard Jacques would be awesome as well. As busy as they are, I’m sure they’re well aware that the Sonic community make up a sizeable portion of their fanbases and SoS would be a great way to promote their latest work.
Another suggestion I have would be some fresh new games and stage events, and I would be very happy to help out in this area! Never mind the Buzzcocks and Wrecks Factor have always been great, but I’m sure there’s room for some new ideas as well. You guys know where to find me if you want to discuss this in more depth!
Lastly, and I know you must get this in earfuls, but heat management really really does need to be a high priority. I don’t know whether there was any air conditioning last year or not, but it was easily the hottest and most uncomfortable SoS last year. I have a pretty high tolerance compared to some that have suffered bad repurcussions in past years, but even I had to step outside several times last year, including out of the line to meet Naka-san and Iizuka-san. During Julien K’s performance, my body virtually shut down (partially from lack of sleep the night before, after the pre-party,) and I kind of just sat there baking. I don’t know what you’re considering as venue options but ventilation needs to be one of the highest priorities here.
That’s really all I can think of. Can’t wait for July! Please let me know if there’s anything I can help with! <3
This guy took the words right out of my mouth. I cannot stress the air conditioning enough. Even if I have to pay for a ticket, PLEASE fix the air con.
Sweet and I mean bring on items the items from sonic unleashed like eggmans lollipop (make it taste better)
Here are the 3 requests I have for this event:
1)A voice actor panel involing Ryan Drummond, Jason Grifith, Roger Craig Smith, Mike Pollock, and Kate Higgins.
2)A Crush 40 and Cash-Cash concert and/or Album involving remixs of these songs:
1]Title Screen (Sonic the Hedgehog)
2]Green Hill Zone (Sonic the Hedgehog)
3]Spring Yard Zone (Sonic the Hedgehog)
4]Labyrinth Zone (Sonic the Hedgehog)
5]Boss Theme (Sonic the Hedgehog 2)
6]Final Boss Theme (Sonic the Hedgehog 2)
7]Sonic Boom (Sonic CD)
8]Stardust Speedway Bad Future (JP) (Sonic CD)
9]Stardust Speedway Bad Future (USA) (Sonic CD)
10]Final Fever (USA) (Sonic CD)
11]Angel Island Zone (Sonic the Hedgehog 3)
12]Hydrocity Zone (Sonic the Hedgehog 3)
13]Big Arm Theme (Sonic the Hedgehog 3)
14]Sky Sanctuary Zone (Sonic & Knuckles)
15]Doomsday Zone (Sonic & Knuckles)
16]Super Sonic Racing (Sonic R)
17]Open your Heart (Sonic Adventure)
18]Live and Learn (Sonic Adventure 2)
19]Escape from the City (Sonic Adventure 2)
20]Sonic Heroes (Sonic Heroes)
21]All Hail Shadow (Shadow the Hedgehog)
22]His World (Sonic 06)
23]Dreams of an Absolution (Sonic 06)
24]Endless Possibility (Sonic Unleashed)
25]Rooftop Run Daytime (Sonic Unleashed)
26]Tropical Resort (Sonic Colors)
27]Planet Wisp (Sonic Colors)
28]Terminal Velocity (Sonic Colors)
29]Invincibility Theme (Sonic 4 Ep 1)
30]It Doesn’t Matter (Sonic Adventure)
3)A demo of Sonic 4 Ep 2.
If these three requests overload you guys, I highly apologize and understand.
I approve of this list. I would like to add Flying Battery Zone to the list though. c:
and maybe Free from sonic free riders?
How about a sonic voice panel, Ryan Drummond, jaleel white, jason griffith, roger craig smith and the OVA one.
Love to see CRUSH 40!!!
I really really want to go SOS12 I went to last years SOS without registering and I had to wait 3-4 hours to get in so I missed a big part of the event so I really really I to have a SOS12 entry pass.
I went back in 2010 and really wanted to go to last years, but I ended up missing out and I seriously regretted it.
So I am defiantly going this year and I’m keeping my word on that, I CAN’T WAIT !
So excited, missed out on getting our tickets last year but we are very excited for SoS!!!
My first idea would be having more sonic merch stands available and for Mike Pollock to return. i never got a chance to meet that legend last time..
popping me sos cherry this year
Great to see the website up and running. I know that this years event will blow us all away, no matter what you guys do. Looking forward to hearing all the updates. Thank guys!
Crush 40! That and maybe some of the VAs?
Ohhhh!! I so cannot wait for the Summer of Sonic, its one of the best things that I enjoy. This would be the fifth one Iwould go to as well, I hope Johnny would come, I never got is autograph. Lets hope wherever the place will be held is somewhere with air condition inside, cause as some of us know, it can get real hot in the venues.
I’d like to go this year. It’d be my first time, but it’s just an event full of Sonical goodness, I don’t wanna miss it!
An idea that came to me that could maybe be considered for the convention – another take on a panel show. We all love Never Mind the Buzzbomers but how about a take on Mock the Week’s final round ‘Scene’s We’d Like To See.’
For those who haven’t seen or heard of it, this round in Mock the Week is a stand-up challenge where 6 comedians are given a category like ‘Things you don’t want to hear from your flatmate’ or ‘Deleted lines from a fantasy film’ and they have to come up with one-liner jokes relating to the topic. I thought maybe we could do something similar but with Sonic related topics like ‘Robots Eggman never got round to making’, ‘Deleted lines from Sonic 06′ or ‘Titles for Sonic games that never got made’ etc.
Have 2 teams of 3 (and probably best to let the players see the categories beforehand so they can come up with some prepared jokes rather than all spontaneous) and see which team has the funniest jokes and who knows – maybe open the topic to the crowd and through little prizes out to anyone who says a good joke.
Look up some clips for yourselves – there will probably be swearing in them hence why I haven’t posted a link here.
Just an idea. Thanks for even reading this far!
Haaha “Scene’s we’d like to see” would be so great
especially because most of them are so
random and perfect 
Oh man, Scenes We’d Like To See would be so awesome.
We’ll be there. Complete with cosplays – though more minimalist than last year. Trying to wear even foam armour in that heat was tricky!
Here’s hoping for some more awesome Sonic Rave party action, and another performance form Jun would not go amiss, would be eve more awesome if Johnny came back, too.
Would be nice to see some voice actors, but really, whatever happens, I’ll be happy to just soak in the atmosphere and chat to awesome fellow fans.
Jaleel white needs to be a guest!!!
Though I won’t be able to make it, what say we showcase the TSS Music Album?
i have a few ideas you could use. 1.a sonic characters voice impersonation contest. guests eg. ted poley & tony harnell, cash cash, sonic/tails/eggman voice actors doing a q&a. 3.old guests eg.jun senoue &johnny gioeli, tj davis, richard jacques. 4.speed run/high score contest. Also opening the ticket registration on a weekday instead of weekend would be a good idea aswell.
Can I come?
No. Get out. You’ve never been welcome.
(Wuv you SonicYoda <3)
Yes you can, sweetiecakes<3 Don't listen to the meanie~
oh, and also maybe tomoya ohtani or masato nakamura as new guests.
Been going to this for the last three years, each year it’s gotten bigger and better! I wouldn’t miss this for the world, there is nothing else quite like it.
One request for this year though? Please can we have somewhere with windows and air like the location in 2009 which while obviously not big enough now at least you could breathe there. And no lying about air conditioning this time either
Me again.
And i hope Ian Flynn and Tracy Yardley can come again and i like to see the current voice cast of the sega games there as well.
I would definatly go if they were there!
I have to request the return of crush 40 to this years event.
The surprise speed run was good last year.
Oh and the SA2 battle winner stays on.
Maybe a 32x Booth playing Knuckles Chaotix.
Chilli dogs were a big hit last year. (Need those).
Glow sticks avalible for the rave, that should go late into the night.
Oh and a bigger venue so everyone can get in.
Want all the previous years into one.
So excited and I’m 26 today – and my work
collegues are telling me to grow up. Will never happen.
Can’t wait really want to go.
Was devastated last year when I was stuck out side.
The two years before that though, I thought were awesome.
Disagree with the weekday suggestions for ticket registration as I have to work during the week.
Anyways hope there’s plenty of notice for registration (I am away for a couple of days and much access to internet from after now ’til friday).
I’ve been to every SoS so far, count me in!
Well, I’ve been to every other SOS so far so it would be just plain rude if I didn’t go this year as well.
Does more of the same count as a suggestion?
I better get all my characters ref sheets ready
I see your point. It’s just that last year there was a bit of a mad rush for tickets since registrations opened on a sunday morning.If they were to open on a weekday evening like in 2009 & 2010 there might be less of a mad rush for tickets.
Only 5 months left!
Missed last year’s event as I was on holiday when the ticket registration opened. By the time I came back they’d come and gone. We went up there anyway but the line was too long so we gave up >.> Managed to get tickets for 2010 though.
Hopefully this year there won’t be such a scramble for tickets, and I won’t miss it
Can’t wait; this will be my forth year attending. The STC-O team will be there in force.
Defiantly want crush 40 to come back. So excited
Hi there, I don’t know if this has already been commented upon (as I didn’t fancy read all the posts).
I really enjoyed SOS 2011 last year. I attended with my family. It had a GREAT atmosphere and the organisers were very friendly and enthusiastic. I was especially pleased that our names were on a list, when I found I had lost our tickets, I really could not have handled that queue.
Which brings me to my point. Although I think it’s cool that the event was free last year, I would have happily paid £5 per ticket to secure a larger and better air conditioned venue. At times the heat, humidity and noise was oppressive. I know that many people, who hadn’t reserved tickets, were queuing for hours, so I think the demand would still be there.
We still had a great time, but there was room for improvement, venue wise.
really hope u guys could get crush 40 i didnt go in 2010 but i did 2011
Cannot wait!! Last years convention was pretty badass…I bet that this years one will be even better.
My life is complete! <3 Thank you!
Please, for the sake of his sanity and our ears, don’t force poor AAUK to sing this year.
(I’m just kidding; we <3 you AAUK)
Also, I'm not sure if it's possible, but I think it'd be cool to see Bentley Jones return. His "They Call Me Sonic" performance was legendary, and such a hilariously wonderful shout-out to the fans.
Only one thing…Air Con please? ;D
Nah, I kid. Can’t wait for this year’s big day!
This will be my third SoS! I seriously cannot wait- the last two have been epic albeit hot. The only thing I wanna see is the return of Crush40. Jun was amazing last year but a little bit of me was disappointed Jonny wasn’t on stage with him. I’m sure whatever you guys plan will be awesome and a great way to celebrate the blue blurs big 21st but Crush40 would just be the iceing on the (birthday)cake for me!
This will be officially my fourth Summer of Sonic attendance – I can’t wait just like all the other dedicated and like-minded fans of the blue blur.
Loving the look the site mate, keep up the awesome work. Keep in touch soon. *thumbs up*
HI these are my ideas for SOS 2012 and also where is it and when are the tikets available?
a competition to win a sonic 4 episode 2 demo to take home
concert from crush 40
future sonic game revealed
merchandise to win
autographs from all of the crush 40 band!
Im not so sure about the episode 2 to take home, as the person who wins may be a bit shady and upload it somewhere
ok i understand that. do you know the exact location for the event and when will tikets be available?
must go must go when are rezervations also hope sega announce something new mabye
lol the event is gonna take place on BUNGiE Day XDXDXDXD
Can’t wait for this year’s Summer of Sonic. The past events were absolutely awesome. I’ll try my best to bring the German Sonic Fans to London again this year.
i would like to talk to Dreadknux i got greats ideas xD i wont spolit surprises for everyone xD
please would it okay if i talk to him? it would be mean so much to me <3
hope you dont mind! C8 this is only my chance (i need it very much!)
oh btw nice new site! 83
Not been to one of these before but I’d love to! I might even dye my hair blue if I can come
I really want to go but i live in Poland…
This will be my 5th one – you’re damn right i’m coming! Ain’t a party without me!
I too would love a return or Richard Jacques and TJ Davis – that would be immense. As for new guests? What about some other folk from Sonic the Comic like Lee Nutter and Richard Elson? Ted Poley and Tony Harnell would be an absolute blast – they would get the party started. Especially if they were allowed to do a couple of Danger Danger/TNT songs for good measure. I am biased, but would love Crush 40 to return! Johnny has a real busy year though with touring with Axel Rudi Pell and the new Hardline album, so can appreciate it could be difficult.
I think an auction would be a cool idea too. I needs me some rare Sonic stuff!
Other then that and the obvious, I don’t care what happens. I just want to be with my friends and make new ones like I do every year
Also Right Said Fred to do Wonderman and I’m Too Sexy please <3
Hell yeah…
WOOT! thank you guys for putting the site up live now.
can’t wait for this year by the way
Actually i have another request for the event. Please make it more cooler at the event than last time, because it was seriously
Cannot wait for this years event
Still amazed by how well my Silver cosplay was liked
last year -^^- Bring on more good times!
i have a request for this year. we could have the chilli dogs again like last year. i really want to try one if they have em again this year
hey, this is my first look at SoS as a friend pointed me in the direction, am definitely interested in coming along this year to experience it first hand =)
Woo, I can tell I’ll be checking this site virtually every day until the event itself now.
My main request is for improved line management. Not just the cut-off announcement, or the multiple items, but the actual bollards. The Naka/Iszuka queue quickly grew outside the signing area. A large amount of people were moved into a snaking formation, but those who didn’t move saved themselves an hour of queue time. Security putting down gaffer tape after the fact didn’t help much.
Everything else I’m sure you guys would already know about, like air conditioning and bringing the food back, so I trust you guys to make SoS a blast yet again!
First time for me to look at SoS (Summer of Robotnik has been my preference until now!!) 100% interested in this – especially as an “old School” player from 1991 – on the Master System before getting my Mega Drive!!!
With the Olympics in July too, will there be a particluar theme to this?!
I shall be there.
oh and btw i was thinking, maybe we should celeb samba de amigo birthday or billy hatcher birthday? ;s
they need more love! last year we DID celeb NiGhT birthday now this year it should be samba de amigo or billy hatcher
that would make fans feel so happy ^w^ oh and im HUGE fan of samba de amigo! 8D
dont disspointed us please! we need you to do something VERY different, not always sonic stuff, isn’t it a bit.. dull? i understand people who love sonic very much.
Because we totally go to Summer of Sonic mainly to celebrate non-Sonic things.
yes i know that xD i wonder what game will it be on this year :3
we better and see whut happen
To add to the chili dog request mabey you could add custom dogs (sonic unleashed), do we have to wear costumes?, when are tickets realesed, where is the event held in london? Sorry im new not to sonic but to SOS!!!
a tribute/celebration for the other sega characters would be nice.but it would only be small celebration since it is a sonic convention celebrating all things great about sonic. you could always cosplay as a samba de amigo character since there’s bound to be a cosplay contest this year.
@Kymel Thomas Normally the event is held somewhere in central london. Where the event will be held will be posted on this site once the SOS team decide on a location. Ticket registrations normally open up about a couple of months before the event date. You don’t have to wear a costume if you don’t want to, entirely up to you.There is normally a cosplay contest though where you can win a prize. My advice is to keep checking the website since all the information you’ll need will be on here. Also i like the sound of the custom chilli dogs aswell. Maybe we could have a mario & sonic 2012 olympics contest aswell.
Yes!!!!Please put Ryan Drummond in as on of the guests and maybe have every Sonic voice actor like Jaleel White and Martin Burke. Also, if you can, please get David Humphrey (Shadow’s first voice actor) in there. I’m excited or this event! XD
Heard about this in December and it looks sooooo awesome! Probably gonna be checking this website daily to ensure I get myself a ticket as I hear they go like chilli dogs! (see the reference there?)
@Simon h awsome thx even more buzzin now XD WOOP
I am nterested so count me in
I’ll try to find a cheap plane to UK!
Would defo love to attend this a friend told me about this only a couple of weeks ago.
I got another request. could you invite Tracey Yardlyn & Ian Flynn again this year? i got alot of comics i want signed by them two people
This is so awesome, I always wanted to go, all that worries me is the cost of the tickets.
Can anyone tell me how much this costs and is it possible to visit for one day. I have a Sonic mad granddaughter but the adult with her will be bored I`m afraid
It’s only a one-day event and, thus far, has been free to attend.
Jaleel white and Ryan Drummond must be Guest this year!!! i need a sonic autograph ive got Mario’s (charles Martinet from galaxy 2 launch) and ive got Nathan drakes (Nolan north from Eurogamer last year) i need a sonic lol
Having Crush 40 would be, of course, pretty awesome. I’m also liking the idea of having some VAs there, but I don’t really care which ones. You know, this will be my first SoS (if I am able to attend, that is), so I’m pretty hyped and excited anyway.
YES! I’ll be able to get the tickets soon! and I can go for my bday which is on the first! This is gonna be epic!
PS: How much will the tickets cost? And will there be Scourge merch!? XD
For those who want to know how much the event costs, the event has been free every year so far.It might be free again this year or it might not. Also I know it’s a bit early, but do the SOS team need any volunteers to help set up this year? If so I would be more than happy to help.
I wasn’t able to make it last year as I couldn’t get the time off work. But myself and my boyfriend are really keen to come down for this years event. We’re eagerly awaiting more information so we can look into things like hotels and flights :3
I think a Summer Sonic Singalong would be a good laugh, if we have a chaos emerald bouncing over the words of a popular song. I would choose the Team Chaotix theme tune personally, although Free from Sonic Riders is growing on me!
A cosplay photo section would be quite funny this year. Perhaps you could have a box of props: chaos emeralds, large speech bubbles, marker pens , hot dogs etc… It would be a good opportunity to set up some caption shots. I found last year that I missed out on getting some cracking photographs of the brilliant costumes because people went outside or took them randomly just a thought.
Cosplay Olympics – fans acting out a sports event such as swimming or racing. Not quite sure how you could organise this!
If a mini karaoke stand was set up from the main stage it would give friends (and budding Crush 40 wannabes) the chance to sing the song they’re dying to sing off their chests! I still think the Wrecks Factor should make a return in some form though…
A place set aside exclusively for bored parents so they are not hogging
the art tables!
A gigantic birthday card for fans to sign, Miles has a sketch book that he likes to pass around keep that going too!
Hidden gold medals scattered around the venue that fans can exchange for prizes.
I understand that we’ve tried ‘Treasure Hunts’ before – who the heck stole the crabs last time? Perhaps having a quiz with questions based on Sonic / Japan where the answers can be found from fellow fans, the stalls, interviews on stage etc throughout the day. People could donate 50p towards the Japanese Tsunami fund as the country is still recovering.
If there was karaoke, I would be doing Endless possibilities or Free
they’re both the songs that get me
And I love the idea for Medals for prizes! I’d make sure I was the first in to try and get the most
although, Instead of medals, maybe they could use cut
outs of emblems, rings or fire rings. Heck, they could give each a
value, say, Fire rings and emblems would have higher values than
rings, and give out special prizes to people that find the 7 chaos
emeralds in the venue 
I know the issue of people paying has been brought up before since people are eager to find a roomier, cooler place to hold Summer of Sonic, and I know that it’s not been feasible due to legal red tape and all of that.
A suggestion I have is to set up a PayPal or something like that, but maybe you could do it so that people who donate say, £10, are guaranteed a ticket to get into the event? If you still wanted to have free tickets afterwards for people to sign up for, perhaps delegate half of them to people who want to donate, and half of them to people who want to chance signing up for free. Maybe even give the people who donate a different ticket that entitles them to an extra gift in their goody bag, or a free ticket for a prize draw, or a free chilli dog or something like that? That way, you can get more money for getting a decent place, and people who are really serious about going can ensure they have a ticket into the event.
@kani Not sure the whole paypal idea is such a good idea. It would be better if people just donated on the actual day.
Problem is though, that the venue needs to be paid for before the day, thus why I suggested to take donations beforehand and give people an incentive to do so.
Free? I meant tickets, I’m sure they must cost money, the donation thing sounds a bit complex to me, I want to get the tickets as soon as poss so I can DEFINITELY go I’ve been waiting AGES for an SoS I can go to! And this could hopefully be the one, I hope to continue to go every year from now on! XD
NO!!! tickets don’t cost anything. they’re free! end off
Oh and I was watching a vid on youtube about SoS last year and they were selling Sonic figures, but in human forms! The Tails one looked really cool and I think there was a Scourge one but I’m not sure if it was Manic, does anyone know? And will they be selling these again?
@ScourgeTheHedgehogAndTails The tickets cost nothing, I’ve been going for the past 3 years and the tickets have been free. All you need money for is food, drink, merchandise ect. I’m assuming it will be free again this year, since sega sponsor it and Svend & the SOS team fund it themselves. I wouldn’t worry about the donation thing, since as you said it sounds complex and is only someone’s idea.
OMG, I might actually be able to make it this year!
I’ve never been before! D:
Its gonna be on the day which is exactly a week before my 18th birthday!
What a special birthday its gonna be!
One suggestion: I have NEVER tried a chilli dog before! Could you maybe try to bring the chilli dogs back like for Sonic's 20th?
Consider my interest well and truly acknowledged. In terms of tickets I’ll be needing at least 1 for me, but possibly 2 or 3. :P. I can’t wait and look forward to future updates. Also if you need any assistance let me know and i’ll see what I can do
I’ve been in 2011, and i hope to be on 2012 convention.
See you there. I hope. ^^
I may be able to make this one, hopefully.
I can’t wait it will be awesome I am going to take my dad with me too
went to my first SoS last year (2011) I’m determined to make it to all of the ones in future. prefrably with a ticket this time. waiting from 11AM to 3:40PM to get it was long but TOTALLY WORTH IT
OMG wait is this a roumour
OMG is it coming back this year ???
i wont miss this years
even though i had a ticket last year my mum desided to go on hoilday for 2 bloody weeks >,<
well this time i have told her well in advance and i made a note of it and put it on the wall saying
i cant wait now
bring on SOS 2012 :d
i heard you guys put on a amazing show last year XD but i have a feeling its going to better this year XD
i wish they did SOS at the 02 arena in london XD
or maybe when sos dose come to a end ( hope it stays alive for ever lol i dont want it to end :))
then maybe they could do it in the 02 arena
come on you can fit more people in there
and you also have a bigger stage too
for a real porformance XD
Rolling around at the speed of sound got places to go got to follow my rainbow cant stick around have to keep moving guess what lies ahead ONLY ONE WAY TO FIND OUT must keep moving ahead take my hand and follow me AND ESCAPE FROM THE CONTERY SIDE AND ENTER THE CITY FOR SUMMER OF SONIC 2012 FOLLOW ME OH YEAH, Danger is lurking around every turn trust your feeling that E.G.G.M.A.N WONT praty-crash SUMMER OF SONIC 2012 I KNOW SONIC WILL DEFEND HIS PARYT GUESTS FOLLOW ME AND ESCAPE FROM THE CONTERY SIDE AND INTO THE CITY FOR SUMMER OF SONIC 2012 FOLLOW ME OHHHHH YYYYYEEEEAAAAAHHHHH.
( the song is from escape from the city i kinda changed the lyrics a bit lol as you can see
( booked the date just waiting to get the tickets now
10 points to you for enthusiasm xD
Hi first time i have heard of this event . would love to bring my grandsons aged 6 and 4 if the event is suitable for them. sonic the hedgehog mad they are and would love this. please could you keep us updated. cheers
Can’t wait, I’m certainly going to try and make it this year.
How do you get tickets to SoS? Where is it being held? And also can somebody link me to the official Facebook group for this event?
I’ve wanted to come since I found out about it but never been able to this year I am coming for sure.
Since last years event where we only stayed for 5 hours, I promised my son that we would stay all day in 2012! Gutted to just find out that the event is on the same weekend as the British F1 Grand Prix which I have paid £400 for tickets. Good news is my hubby is going to come down to London on the train and make a weekend of it with our son. With all this in mind please register our interest in two tickets. Thanks guys and keep up the great work (PS we would be more than happy to pay for our tickets)
HI does anyyone know the exact location for the event or when tikets are available and what time?
many thanks
new to this, how do you apply for tickets??
Yay! So looking forward to this. I’ll be there.
Ooh ooh guys! What about an All-Star racing tournement like the one in 2010. I would SO take part. I honed my skills from 2010 all year in the hope of taking part last year… but it didn’t happen.
Just seems like the right time now that All Stars Racing 2 has been announced… :)C
Yay!!! I can’t wait!!! I’m definatly coming with my friend this year! *Sigh* If only Summer of Sonic came twice a year…
Yay! This will improve my chances of being able to go!!! XD I hope they will be selling the Archie comic original artwork again! I’ve never been before but I hope I can make it an annual event for myself now!! (Some ppl may know me as DaxterWolfChipmunk, I just wanted to get a Scourge and Tails name for SoS! Call me Scourge or Dax) I want to be able to get a new camera for my bday a swell so I can record a tour vid
Uh oh London is gonna be busy this year with the Olympics and all, this means travel could be difficult
don’t worry. the olympics aren’t until the end of july, so it won’t be ridiculously busy. travel should be fine as long as you leave early and get to london early.
Plus who knows, Maybe some Sonic fans will be traveling to London to watch the Olympics, and Also get to go to SOS
Oh good, I was getting worried that it might be to busy for travel on the motorways and stuff and yeah I guess there may be some fans seeing the Olympics coming to!
the olympics opening ceremony starts on the 27th of july. just googled it and found the info the olympics website.
Wooo finally some news! Olympic games? pah not interested =P Summer of Sonic. Gotta get some sonic converse shoes done by then!
I would like to know the price for the tickets this year as this is my first hopefully going to be and yeah SOS FTWS “nothing can stop me know….. except my dad possibly” :3
Looking forward to going if I can make it
Hey this will be my first time to go see SoS but do u know wat the ticket prices are now or do i hav to wait till the news gives out if so then fine big sonic fan love to get going
Tickets are free. You just need to sign up for them when the time comes.
Now I got to wait for the tickets!!!!!!
yeah. i hope they don’t go fast this year cuz i want to grab 2
I’m going to be they, hell yeah
I’ll be coming this year. I’ll be able to afford a hotel this year too so I can finally come to the after party! (Assuming there will be one).
And once again i won’t be able to go due to having exam periods and being from another country…why cant it be in august again =.=
I might start on my cosplay in a month, I’m on the quest of finding red sunglasses with red lenses, black shoes with green soles and a black leather jacket (the other stuff I can get easily) anyone know a good place to look?
Omg i am so excited for this year xD having cash cash there to preform some music would me amazingggg!
maybe some more events to win prizes as well would also be pretty cool.
Also. I loved the club sonic last year. i would love it if you could include something like that again this year!
@ScourgeTheHedgehogAndTails It might be worth checking amazon for your red sunglasses with red lenses. Also try searching the internet for some black plimsolls with green soles.Also try searching in shops for plimsolls, I found some red ones in primark a couple of years ago but i’m not sure if they sell plimsolls anymore.Hope that helps you out.
I know Primark sell converse knock offs, but there is always Shoe zone or new look for plimsoles
ok thanks I’ll check it out
Can’t wait! Booked the time off for it already. Count me in ^^
yay it is on woo!!! I’m coming again this year Summer of Sonic Rocks!!!
Sounds SONIC ! Can’t wait
This looks so cool. I wish I could attend, but I’m in the US and can’t afford a plane trip. Looks like I will have to wait until that time comes to visit merry ol’ London. The links below show how much I want to come:
Oh yeah! Second round this year
I’ve gone every year and last year I missed out on registering before I got their so I had to wait 5 hours. That CANNOT happen to me this year :/
Any advice anyone???
Make sure you register?
woooo!!!!! lol i never got to go last year, but i was one of the people who watched live online. haha i hope we get nega eggman again!
on another note, i anyone allowed to just go and draw? or do you have to be a member of staff?
If you want to go and just draw, nobody’s stopping you. You just have to make sure to get a table!
Hi! I ll be at the event for the time this year, probably with a friend or two! Is it free? Is there a way to be sure to get in? We’ll be coming from France, and so paying a train, and hotel for the night, so we have to be sure to get in before spending money! ^^
It is free, but if you can’t get a ticket from the site online, there isn’t much point going since you’ll be queuing outside all day.
I am definitely going! wewt!
125 days. 8D
Im really looking forward to this years event and the fact that ill be able to get there for the very begining instead of the last hour or so.
I’m coming back to SOS12 also if any former members of Sonic the Comic appears like Nigel Kitching and ect then I will be lucky.
Looking forward to the SoS event this year. Will hopefully be able to get tickets this year. My daughter & I waited in line for 6hrs last year….Which was a feat in itself as my daughter’s autistic & finds it difficult being in crowded environments…however, her love of all things Sonic made all the difference!! :o)
you should do a part where you can have the Sonic Gang react towards the Fan Characters for LOLs
Gotta have the wrist bands again! *thumbs up*
I would so love to go this year, not attended any of the previous years… I would probably need… 2 or 3 tickets, depending on how many people I go with…
how do you get tickets pleaee??
There’s be an announcement on the website when the tickets go on sale. It’ll probably be around May.
Tickets don’t “go on sale”. They’re free of charge.
Mii~ I’m going to need at least 5 tickets :/
Oh and when do the tickets come out? Anyone got an idea of when we can get them?
Darn, this would have been the third year in a row. I can’t go this year, on the 7th I’ll be down in Devon for someone’s 21st birthday.
Ah well, I’ll just have to go next year! And bring Werehog along too!
And I’ll be leaving Devon to go to Summer of Sonic! :V
I can’t belive I have only just heard about this event! Really gone from strength to strength over the years. I will definatley have to get down there this year!
This will be my first year going as only just found out it exists and I’m so excited!
Best of all it’s on my birthday! (Gonna be 24) Can’t think of anything better to be doing.
Hi! Just wondering when will u be announcing the tickets? I really hope I can get at least 2 or 3!
Hey, I’m defnatley inerested in two tickets. It’s my boyfriend’s 21st and I’m pretty sure he loves Sonic more than he loves me. =]
I know the tickets are free, but having read the idea of paying in advance to insure you got tickets (and helping with the venue costs etc.) I was wondering if this were possible? If so, how much of a donation would be required? Thanks. x
YAY !!! cant wait for sonic summer ^^ it gonna rock if get ticks
I actually have the funds to do this. There needs to be someone from Great Yarmouth/Norwich area representing!
Eeeee~ : D I cannot wait! This year is going to be epic! Ive never been before but it looked awesome last year!
YAAYY for Summer of Sonic!
me and my fiancé will be cosplaying as Sonic and Tails
Also when will the date be for signing up for the tickets?
I’m saving up coz I’m gonna be buying alot of merch there! (200th comment yay! XD)
@ScourgeTheHedgehogAndTails Make sure you save plenty, I managed to spend £180+ last year. Also I hope there’s going to be lots of merch sellers this year like there was last year.
awww i really wanna come to this one! i was gutted 2 years ago that i had to leave early and last year i didnt get to go because of the area it was in
hopefuly the area that its going to be held will be a
better place
Eventhough Crush 40 are playing Sonic Boom on July 13th I would love to see them there as they are the best band ever!
next year you need to have the sonic convention in jackson mi
Hey, how much is it going to cost, because I live near London, so I can actually go this year, since last year it was in the U.S.A. CANT WAIT!!!!!!!
Summer of Sonic was in London last year, as it was every year since it started back in 2008. You’re thinking of Sonic Boom, which was held in Los Angeles last year and is going to be held in San Diego this year.
Last year, it was in the Camden Centre, not the USA, I think you’re thinking of Sonic boom
Crush 40 have to come. Or at least we should have the opportunity to buy Crush 40 CDs and T-Shirts or something.
i shortend my name from ScourgeTheHedgehogAndTails cos its to long lol when does sos open and close so i can get there nice and early
Im hoping to go for the first time this year, can’t wait!
I really hope i can go this year! I’ve never been to SOS. But unfortunately i won’t be able to dye my hair blue because it’s two weeks before the end of term D:
Please can you update the website :/ I nneed much more information thanks a lot
I’m really hoping for a lineup like last year, as I wasn’t able to go last year, and it took my breath away to see how awesome it was
Although, no pressure, it’s all about getting to
meet other fans
Another art contest would rock though 
Cant wait this will be my first time would be cool if you could win limited edition controllers or games.
Really looking forward to this!!
I’m so looking forward to this, really want to make this my first SoS event.
ok i think i heard enough on this part of summer of sonic. wheres the other news?
Ditto, I wanna know what time it opens! D:
not sure if my last comment got through so i’ll post my idea again. you can have an ultimate sonic fan competition running throughout the day. you can test fans skills on various sonic games.test fans on sonic music eg.sonic lyrics, music from various games. test fans on their knowledge of the characters and various sonic knowledge.test fans on the sonic comics and various sonic cartoon series. then at the end of the day you can ask the finalists how long they’ve been fans for, what people they’ve met, what games they’ve completed and other sonic fandom stuff. also ask them what sonic means to them and why they think they’re sonic’s number one fan. then you can decide on a winner and give them a certificate or something and a special prize. only people wearing sonic stuff/cosplayerswill be able to enter. and after each mini competition fans will be eliminated based on how well they’ve done. and also sonic energy drinks on the day.
My daughter is a huge fan of Sonic and would love to go to this event, never looked at the ticket situation before, but would need to get in advance as she has a learning disability.
Will there be more merchandise to buy this year?
We will certainly be working on getting you much much more stuff. Stay tuned!
Ive requested to join the Group on FB. I’m surprised I’ve only just learnt about this!
Cant wait till the next update really wanna come to this! Will there be chilli dogs???? Many hours spent on my Megadrive/Genesis, ill be coming from the Midlands I hope I can make it!!!
I’m definitely coming to this event. Since ive never been, How do you get your tickets? Can you do it online?
Hello, I am the Mother of a very excited 8 year old that just found out about SoS 2012. We currently live in the Netherlands and would love to attend this event. Will there be an outlet to call or mail in for tickets to the event?
O_O Must… get… to… this year’s… convention!
Wow!! That’s my birthday, going to try had to get a ticket or two!!
Can’t wait for this years event. Here’s hoping for some bright sunny weather like last year to accommodate the venue =)