Hey everyone! We’re not too far away from telling you all sorts of hot details about this year’s Summer of Sonic convention! We’re sorry that you’ve had to wait a while for any concrete news, but we have to absolutely make sure that the things we want – people, venue, games, activities – are all concrete and definitely happening before we jump the gun on any announcements! I hope you understand!
To that end, I want to update you all a little bit about location and travel, ahead of our official venue reveal in a couple of week’s time! The Summer of Sonic has traditionally been situated in London. That’s where we had SoS in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 after all. It works, because it happens to be the travel capital of the UK, and incredibly easy to get to. Particularly for those who intend to come from abroad.
For 2012, we’re expecting a huge turnout – we’re looking at venues that can hold at least 2000 people – and as a result it is becoming harder to secure a definitive location in central London. To add to the pressure that we’re facing this year, the Olympics are taking place in London, which means that travel could well be impacted if we hosted Summer of Sonic in as central a place as we have done in the past.
This is why we have been looking at venues that are located in the Greater London area instead. We have a candidate that we would love to tell you about right now, but sadly we need to lock a few things down on our side before we can talk further about it. But, as a heads up, you shouldn’t be surprised if the venue we announce isn’t within the centre of London.
What does this mean if you’ve already booked travel plans (i.e. flights) or hotels within London? Essentially, nothing. The Summer of Sonic team and SEGA have gone all-out to ensure that any venue we pick is within jumping distance of central London, with easy and accessible travel links from both the centre of the capital and Heathrow and Gatwick airports. If you’re planning to travel to London to spend a vacation, Summer of Sonic will just be a brief train journey away from the capital at best.
I also want to offer some more details that we can confirm ahead of our venue announcement, too. This information is regarding the ticketing for this year’s event.
- The Summer of Sonic will be completely ticketed this year. In the past, we’ve allowed a queue to form for those without early-access tickets, so that as many people can enjoy the day as possible. As SoS gets bigger, it’s now unfeasible to do this. So you will need a ticket for entry. If you don’t get a ticket, you won’t be allowed in. Sorry.
- Tickets will be offered in waves. We have yet to decide how to split the numbers, or how many waves there will be. Once we have announced the venue, we will be revealing dates where you can grab a ticket for entry.
- Contrary to what you might have heard, tickets for entry to Summer of Sonic 2012 will be free. All you need to worry about is getting your lovely selves down to the venue. Which we will announce very soon (I know – I’m sorry!).
Rest assured, once the venue is announced – and that will
be no longer than a couple of weeks from this date – updates
and further details will be coming thick and fast. To whet your
appetite, I can tease you in saying that there is one guest that we
will be able to reveal almost immediately after the venue. Heck,
we’d do it now, but we want to do things logically here. Know
where to go first, then get excited about what’s in it.
I want to close today’s update by asking you all – where about are you guys based? We’d love to get some kind of idea as to where in the world you guys intend to be traveling from. A lot of fans come from the UK, naturally, but we get a lot of American, Canadian, Australian and European visitors too! Do you plan to come to Summer of Sonic 2012, and if so which country are you from?
Svend Joscelyne / Dreadknux
You know who I am and where I come from. ;P
…Oookay, I’m from The Netherlands! And I definitely hope to be able to make it again this time, as much as the past 3 years.
I know who you are!
Will be good to see you again mate!
Thanks for the heads up! Hopefully the venue won’t be located too far away from Southend Airport, which I’ll be travelling to from the Netherlands. Definitely looking forward to this, see you there!
Hey Kjeldo! Southend Airport is right near my home town!
Cool! You better prepare your hometown then, haha
I’m from Eastbourne in the South
East of the UK
I live in the small town of Northampton, England. I went to SOS 2011 and it was great although it was extremely warm inside. I can’t wait to go to SOS2012!
Hey Warren! We’re hoping it will be extremely warm this year too… outside, that is, not inside! Let’s pray for sunny weather!
Ah hello fellow Northamptonian
glad I’m not alone in the little known town.
I’ll be coming from the North Bristol Area =)
Yay for Bristolian Sonic lovers!
I come from Surrey, not to far from London, as it happens SoS this year falls the day after my birthday, so i’m planning a big birthday weekend. Just waiting for the venue to be annouced so i can get planning on a hotel.
Me and my friend will be there again like usual! We’re both from South Derbyshire, so it’s a quick train ride from us to you!
I can’t wait! Second year coming! Good to know we’ll soon be able to get tickets!
I’n travelling from Ireland, but staying with my friend in Dartford? I will be open to it being anywhere in London tbh, somewhere safe haha!
It will definitely be somewhere safe! Easy to get to from central London and all sorts. Looking forward to seeing you again over here!
I’m traveling from the North East, about 20mins further away from where T-Bird comes from.
Me and my dad will again be attending-provided we get tickets-however my brother won’t be coming this year. Anyway, looking forward to meeting fellow Sonic fans! Hopefully I’ll meet more than last year… I only spoke to two. :3
I really hope there’s a way to make it from where I live.
I’m from Brazil. Sonic has quite the shitton of fans in Brazil, actually.
If it was feasible, we’d have a Summer of Sonic all around the world! Hope you can make it!
summer of sonic time!
btw dreadknux i saw you at sos last year
Hey, did you really?
This time if you see me, come and say hello! 
cheers for the new news heads up. given in waves? you mean small amount of tickets for each one? this is going to be tricky to grab some this year. i just want to get 2 and that’s it
Well, last year we released 650 tickets in a single wave. This year we might do a few waves of 500 tickets, or something along those lines, so hopefully everyone that wants a ticket can get one.
I’m based in essex, literaly 1 train stop away from stansted airport.
Hopefully the travel wont be needing air travel seeing as i no longer own a valid passport.
You won’t need a plane from there, don’t worry.
Sheffield in Yorkshire, here.
Hm… I wonder where they’re looking at. Somewhere in Heathrow might have the attendance space needed, since so many big conferences and conventions are held there (including Eastercon this year, which is over 1000 attendees itself)
I started jumping up and down when I saw an update, now the previous article has a friend! It doesnt really matter where in London it is, Im determined to go no matter where it is
Im from Essex in England though, so I may be biased
seeing as Im from the area.
And the selling tickets in waves idea is very good, considering some people may be unable to get them on one particular day
although I myself am determined to get it on the
first one
you should put a different character on
the ticket per wave :3 And tjhankyou so much for making it free
I will be travelling from Sunny Scotland, more specifically Aberdeenshire. I am hoping to be travelling as a party of 3.
Sunny or snowy?
As hinted at by the name, I came from Coventry, slap bang in the Midlands…normally.
Except, this year, SoS is the day after I return from a 2 week holiday in Canada. I land at Heathrow…so with this news I’m thinking more and more I’ll be booking a hotel for that weekend…joy!
I’m coming from Wiltshire. Looking forward to it already!
I’cant wait anymore
Last year was so awesome!
And I’m from the Netherlands >w<
I’m hailing from Telford, Shropshire. :3 So psyched for this summer! There will be a working propeller on my bag this time to try and help prevent any fainting from over-excitement. Or something like that.
I’m from Nevers, right in the center of France (~200km south of Paris)
I’d love to come this year too, but it’ll depend whether I’ll work far from Paris at that time or not. And if I have enough money, of course. Last year was not a problem since I was invited by SEGA France, but this year will be more difficult
In any case, I hope I’ll be able to grab a ticket, which I’d give away if I can’t come
Hey, I’m so glad you were able to make it last year! Hope you can make it this time!
Well I live in Wales in the Cardiff area
I’m from Belfast, Northern Ireland and lucky for me there is a direct cross-channel bus service into London. Looking forward to my first SoS.
Hi, I’m surely coming this year again and I’m travelling from the Netherlands.
I’m from Belgium, coming this year too!
I’ve been to the last two SoS’s and planning on a third this year too!
I already bought the Eurostar Train tickets for that day, so all we still need is locations, times and tickets
(and maybe some travel info to the venue from St. Pancras Station too xD;)
When we announce the venue, rest assured we will provide detailed information on how to travel there from all the major train and plane terminals.
This will be my 4th year. I’ll be coming from south somerset. Good idea about the tickets being released in waves. Getting tickets last year was chaotic. Hoping that the venue isn’t too far from the centre, it takes me a couple of hours just to get to west london. Bring on july.
Sorry – I predict that the location of the venue may add a bit longer to your journey. Consider it an adventure!
I live in a small town of Daventry, Northants and I’ve never ever been to a convention at all. This will be my first time going to one with my friends who have gone to previous ones. I hope to be able to get in and experience what so many others have and be able to craft my own experiences and go to future conventions! :3
Hey there Isotope – it’s always fun to see new people experience Summer of Sonic. I hope this convention will give you many happy memories. It’s good to go with friends who have been before too, good idea!
We’ll do our best to make sure you’re
looked after. 
Thank you so much! It’s so nice to meet well mannered people and if the rest of people at the con are just like you, then it’ll be a memorable time indeed! :3
In the four years that myself and the team have been doing this, we’ve not come across anyone who’s caused anyone trouble! I think you’ll feel right at home with us!
Bloody Australia mate – nuff’ said! XP XXD
Loving this announcement post – keeps everyone excited.
And it’s also lovely to see everyone else sharing their locations and wherabouts – I mean wow, even Brazil’s coming to SOS this year!! Nice! *thumbs up*
It won’t be the same without having you bounce around the place, Elson! Looking forward to your arrival mate!
Can’t wait to see you again. Wasn’t the same without you last year
Have you managed to squeeze BlitzChris in that suitcase of yours?
I’m from the U.S, florida to be exact
I went last year and had a blast, can’t wait to
go this year!
Wow! Always great to see Americans come all the way to see us! Hope to see you again this year!
Im frrom Wales; only a 3 hour train trip for me and the other 4 members of my family
I’ll be traveling the oh so long trip from Sunny Bournemouth on the south coast, though this year alone as last time (my first time) I got screwed over by a mate cause me to queue for five and a half hours and was only in for an hour. That said it was worth the hug from (I think) Rorey. (Kind of lost my mind by that point, but was worth it)
I’m from the West Midlands, so nice quick trip down for me, just like last year! I’ve also convinced some friends to come too. One’s from Scotland, and one’s coming over from Norway
I’m currently based in the West Midlands, near Wolverhampton.
Laste years SoS was my first ever time and I’m looking forward to going again this year, can’t wait!!
hey this year will be awsome and dreadknux i got your reply i’ll say hi to you!
also ill get there fast cause im comin from kent
Will we be allowed to interview Yuji Naka? I’m sure there are a lot of questions fans will like to ask the man himself.
You’ll have to wait and see! Of course, he was happy to answer any questions from fans LAST year.
Thanks for the reply, I was there but I guess I missed the Q+A session, I was able to ask the comic editors a question though. I asked them which characters they’d like to be able to put into official Sonic games, since you were partially in charge of the event you may remember that. What I’d like to ask Yuji Naka is if he can feature my personal favourite Sonic character, Tikal the Echidna, in a new Sonic game, even if only as a secondary skin for a multiplayer mode like in Sonic Adventure 2. It would mean more to me than you can possibly imagine if they brought her back for at least one game…
I live in *GERMANY* (city of Nuernberg), and as you might remember, I have a VERY bad eyesight… trying to come to London already is a small ‘adventure’ for me, so it would be very nice of you guys if you could pick a location that is easily and as directly as possible reachable by the London Underground, not by train and other ‘harder-to-book stuff’.
uhh yellow if your in germany you would not be able to get here
Why do you say that? Summer of Sonic is open to everyone.
Why can’t I get there? Last I checked, there are, um… planes and stuff… that can bring people to England.
It’s just the ‘getting to the
venue’ part that might complicate stuff for me. So as I said,
please pick something that’s easily reachable by London
Underground… not too far in the outskirts, and of course not
too far away from London in general. 
We will try our very best! But hopefully you’ll understand if it’s a bit further afield!
I’ll be coming from sunny Suffolk. I’m sure i’ll be able to make it haha!
This will be Summer of Sonic Act 3 for me, I come down from Glasgow to enjoy a great time! I have to say hi Dread, I was lucky to meet AAUK last year, have to say thanks to the creators
Surely that means you need to fight a boss. *walks off to the tip to find some metal scraps*
@Dreadknux Yeah, it’ll be a sonic adventure. I’ll be travelling through the ‘underground zone’ and ‘metropolis zone’ to get there on the day. Sonic references aside, it doesn’t take me too long to get from richmond to waterloo. So long as the venue is easy to get to by tube it shouldn’t add too much time onto my journey. Also is the venue somewhere safe, as in not located in south london.Thanks.
American here. This will be my third Summer of Sonic so I’m really excited! I have everything booked in terms of travel plans so all that’s left for me to do is to register for a ticket. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone again!
Itll be me+1 coming from Eastbourne, South East UK.
Doesnt matter where it is, we will be there. Please just confirm Crush40 already so we can stop living on the edge and know already!!!!
I’m from Eastbourne too *high fives you for awesomeness*
Tyler is already driving me nuts asking when, where and why! We are both very excited to see all our friends again, cannot wait for this im hoping my tailsdoll will be even better this year…
I’d be coming down from Boston! I’d really like to go, but it’s getting transport/tickets etc… I can’t book train tickets yet, so it all depends on whether I can afford them when SoS comes round
Glad to hear some more news!
Wait, does this mean we can’t buy the tickets
Tickets will be available online. You won’t be ‘buying’ them though, as they are free!
I’m down South West, so it’ll take a few hours for me
Coming up from Devon with a friend; going to be making a long weekend of it.
so are we going to find out where it is going to be?
and where we can buy the tickets
I’m from King’s Lynn
North Norfolk.
Buuuut I’m not able to come this year, I expect. *sad face*
I’m hoping to come next year if the event happens again! (:
North Norfolk eh? Wow! Not far from me in Norwich
I only know of one other person in my area and he’s moved back to Cambridge.
Hi Guys, coming from the west midlands. Close to Wolverhampton. it’ll be a short trip, planning to make a big weekend of it, will either be me plus 1, 2, or even 3 this year
Friends getting into the swing of things :).
I’ll be hoping to get some sort of a cord or chain so i can
wear my sonic generations ring as a pendant :).
YAY im next door to london in wales/cardiff
lucky me
I live in the UK and I’m from Bournemouth! =)
Wooh another Bournemolian! Sorry to be creepy. Just too excited!
I’m from the UK…do not live near London myself, but travel/visit there often as I have family who live in Dagenham and Leigh-On-Sea…
Hey this is my first time visiting Summer of Sonic and, I’m sorry if this makes me seem stupid but, I’d like to know what selling tickets in waves is? Thanks!
Hi! Hope to see you in July!
First of all, we’ll be giving tickets away
– we’re not selling them. We’ll be offering them
to you guys on this website. But, so that all the tickets
don’t run out in one big go, we’re going to be giving
away a certain number of tickets on one day, and a certain number
of tickets another day, etc. Hope this answers your question.

Will be coming from Germany, near the City of Cologne. Will be my first time if I can make it!
I’d personally love it if SoS was held in a bigger venue outside of central London. It’d cost me 50 to 60 in train travel from the north east to london so whats an extra 6 on the tube, eh?
glad to hear we can get them online!
I wanted to visit SoS2011 with some fellow german Sonic fans, but unfortunatly, my board exams stopped me from doing so.
Do not worry though, I finished those exams with success!
I might go to SoS this year…and I want to visit London too..
Greetings from Vienna, Austria!
Hey, congratulations with your exam passes!
Hope to see you this year!
Allybee from Rugby!
Hi Svend, I’m now living in London and after the last three years, I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Can’t wait to see all my friends again. xx
I’m Gareth, and I live in the Danger Zone.
keep me updated! becosue i ma gonoig there i form edinburgh!!!! in scvotland!!! i am looking fowrad to eth summer of sonic!! it gonna be the most awsome day of teh year!!! please keep me updated!!
Coming down from Scotland and meeting up with some friends from Manchester area. Never been before…Just hopin we all manage to get tickets….pleeeeeeaaasssseeeee!!!!
Just wondering, where do you get these tickets? I’m from Canada going to make a trip to London sometime around SoS, so I’d love to know, what with being a huge Sonic freak. XD Are they on the web? Are they right at the event?
They’ll be available on this website, on the dates that we announce
Ah, Thanks! :3
This news sounds very exciting and interesting and I can’t wait for the new news announcments to be made. I’ve really wanted to go to the Summer of Sonic for years, but every time something has come up preventing me from attending. But this year I really want to go, because I have the time and the funds to make it there.
I’ll be coming from Sheffield this year, wherever the venue is in London, I’ll make the trip!
I’m from Wales! This’ll be my first SoS, despite being a member here back in 2005/2006, but then after Sonic ’06, lost interest. But I joined here again last year and I’m adamant that I’ll get to the Summer of Sonic!
I had a blast last year! This year will be much better! I hope the tickets are available soon!
BTW I’m already in London. XD
im probs be comming fae Scotia(Scotland)!!!!
CANT OME, college
It’s on July 7th, a Saturday
I’ll be coming from Suffolk for my 2nd SOS last year was amazing been a sonic fan since 1991 so its always great to meet other sonic fans
How will I know when the tickets are out?
I can’t wait to go, it’s been my life long dream to go to a Sonic convention and just this Morning I got conformation from my parents
I’m coming down from Derby and I’m looking
forward to my first Summer of Sonic!
We will be making the trip down from not so sunny Lancashire
Please let the special guest be RYAN DRUMMOND!!
How do we get said tickets?
I’m from Milton Keynes, so not too far away
I’ve already made arrangements to get to London
just waiting to hear where exactly SoS will be held. This will be
my first time but I’m soooo excited
been a huge sonic fan for as long as I can
Omg it sounds so awesome, me and my twin are hopeing to go this year; we werent able to go last year as we found out to late…
Can’t wiat for it to happen <33
Where would u be able to get tickets from (like where, or will they be able to get on any website or ought??? )
Anyway, were lookin forward to it <333
Wish i’d have the luck to get the tickets for me and my dad.
We’ve been thinking of going to the Summer of Sonic since February.
Quick question, what’s the cheapest way to travel from Sheffield (South Yorkshire) to London?
hopefully my work at Viglen won’t stop me from getting tickets! i went last year and had a blast! (and partially melted) i would be journeying from the Town of Berkhamsted in Hertfordshire.
I’ll be trying to join this year. I live in Portland Oregon U.S.
Oh, and im finnish
Hello! My girlfriend and I have already bought the airline ticket to London from Sevilla (Spain).
The airport is Stansted which will arrive, hopefully not too far from the event.
What we recommend hotel and not too expensive?
Thank you very much!.
Hey! I cannot wait for this event! We will deffo be coming in cosplay as tails and sonic!
will be checking this site everyday so I dont miss
Cant wait to grab two tickets for me and my other half.
we are coming from Essex
Gonna make it from Canada! =] Crush 40 best be doing a live performance again. That would make my life! :p
thanks for the update I will be sure to check back and fourth looking forward to coming again this year
Much Appreicated
If I can grab tickets I’ll be coming in from Birmingham UK! Really hope I can get there many happy hours spent on my Megadrive/Genesis, still in use today. plus the more recent games, hope to be there!
will there be artist you can pay to draw your characters if so what will it cost for sketch or inked?
Let’s see. Last SOS, people who asked for Yardley!’s autograph got a -really- quick pen cartoon of their favourite character along with it. (I remember him being surprised that I just wanted his autograph and not a drawing.) That was entirely free, but Yardley! was also a special guest for SOS2011, not a regular visitor, so don’t bank on him also being there. However, Nigel Kitching is very much a regular occurrence… but again, technically a special guest, usually asked for an autograph and a pencil sketch of Sonic or somebody else he’s known for, so I’ve not heard of anything being so complex or off the wall that he actually asked for payment.
Here’s the thing, though: artists who do come to SOS to sell their drawings usually have a large backstock of pre-made items ready to sell instantly – and they sell for the entire duration of the day. I doubt that any of the artists are going to be easily interested in drawing one person’s fan-character, especially since that takes time to check if there are references, to ask for a character description – essentially, while they’re doing this commission it will always be easier for them to 1) sell other items for more money, and 2) just draw existing Sonic characters. While they could set the price of the commission high enough to cover the time lost selling other items, the likelihood is that nobody will buy, so it’s pretty much a pointless endeavour.
Actually Tracy Yardley! asked for a small pay of £2 for a drawing. I remember because my Dad thought it wasn’t fair to pay him only £2 so he gave him a £5 instead.
Huh. I heard nothing about cash payments.
I also had no idea we were standardising the spelling of his name with the !, but there you go.
Tracy Yardley does have an account on Deviantart and he does paypal commission which are a bit pricey and I wanted to know if they are going to be cheaper are the SOS but I heard from others who went to Sonic Boom ( USA ) got there characters drawn by him
1 character- $20 / $30
2 characters- $40 / $60
3 characters- $60 / $90
heya all :)) it’s heaven again (the shahra from last two jears, so most might remember me too :p ) as i have moved to my dad now, i’ll come from south instead of north-germany this jear, but i’ll bring my dad too :)) he was a 2D sonic fan when he was young and his amiga was still running good :p so it’s good to have a bigger venue this jear
especcially for the olympics… will mario be
there too then? hehe joke
whatever, i cant await to know where the event is to
plan my visit there more concretely… hope to see you all back
again this year. cya there, Heaven <3
Will there be chilli dogs?? Btw will there be an option with veggie chilli dogs?? Really I’m checking this page every 10 mins for further news on SoS I’ve been a fan all my life but will hopefully b my first SoS! Will dress in plenty of blue for the event!
My Daughter, sonicloverforever and I will be coming from Edinburgh
Me and my brother are coming from London
I’m coming from the North-east of england (hopefully anyway), not very exotic i know, but i hope it atleast helps in some way.
I hope to go to the Summer of Sonic Convention in London this Summer.
I am Canadian. I’ll be coming from St. John’s, Newfoundland.
Svendu… I want my own response from you too! <3 Seeing you soon!
<3 :)
I’ve gone ahead and bookmarked at Digg.com so my friends can see it too. I simply used Pre-Announcement: Location and Tickets | Summer of Sonic 2012 as the entry title in my Digg.com bookmark, as I figured if it is good enough for you to title your blog post that, then you probably would like to see it bookmarked the same way.
Can’t wait for more blue hedgehog realter madness!
Hopefully I wont be on stage again making a prat of myself dancing to the mario theme. Yeah that was me, still gutted I didnt get the right said fred record, only the sleeve
Hey, how soon will you announce this year’s SoS location?
As in… right NOW would be fine. It’s hardly two months
away you know, and people need to plan ahead.
They’ll announce it as soon as SEGA have signed everything in order to book the venue.
What takes them so long?
We’re kind of stuck waiting for SEGA to cross the t’s and dot the i’s on contracts first, sorry. It will be announced very soon – and when it is, you can bet that further announcements will come very quickly!
Explain to them what it means to wait any longer… considering that the Olympic games and all this are in England this year. Really a pain when it comes to planning trips hardly two months ahead.
What’s their problem? Is the company too broke already to fund such events?
They’re not broke, per say… but last year they didn’t like the fact that they weren’t getting money out of it. And that nearly caused them to do something extremely disastrous…
That’s not necessarily true, either. It’s SEGA’s decision to keep Summer of Sonic free.
The big reason for the delay is because we have had to change location. If we knew we were staying in London, and knew exactly what venue we were going for as a result, progress would be a lot quicker! I’m really hoping for a resolution next week. Trust me when I say that things will go very quickly once the venue is all announced!
I am from NI. This would be my first ever SoS. I am really looking forward to it
Hey, there. I live in Dorset so its only two hours on the train from my home to London. I’ve been visiting the Sonic Stadium for a few years, and I kicked myself for not attending SOS last year since it was the 20th anniversary and I have interest in attending this year.
I hail from the village of Bransgore in South West England. Looking forward to another excellent Summer of Sonic!
This sounds excellent! I went to ’09, which was amazing, but there was so much hassle getting there that Mum vowed never to take me again. XD I’ve spoken to her about it, and let’s hope that she’ll let me go this year, considering the fact that it’s not in Central London!
What kind of hassle did you have? I think that year we just went down by train, but it’s generally cheaper to just drive down the country and then use the Underground.
We drove from Bournemouth to Central London. XD Traffic was a nightmare.
I’d like to attend this year’s event, as I live in Dorset which isn’t too far away if I get a train to London.
From the Netherlands!!!
Any news on how to get hold of tickets??!! Its been over 2 weeks now since the info saying it’ll be within 2 weeks :o)…..
My daughter & I waited in line for 5 hours last year as tickets had gone sooo fast….. It was our first SoS & she loved it! She’s been looking forward to the next one all year. Will be checking site every day for tickets :o)
I’ve also been checking the site everyday, I can’t wait! I’ve been a Sonic fan for years but this will be my first SoS! ^_^
I hope I am able to get a ticket this year, this sounds fantastic, I am big sonic fan and I just about finished second year at university so..nice way to celebrate yes? ^_^
I can’t wait! Only 10 weeks to go!
Yes! Only 10 weeks! And still no announcement.
Give them some credit. Im sure Svends doing his best to get everything official first, so there wont be any disappointments. Im sure it wont be long, anyway.
Uuuuuuuuuuhhhhh, my kids are driving je crazy cause we have to wait for tickets before we can book hotel and plane or train!!!!
They’d love to get them really and really soon!
Credit? They are my _heroes_!
But nonetheless it’s really taking a bit long
this year…
As Sonic would say “I’m waitiiing!” I agree with you, I know dreadknux mentioned that they’re waiting for sega to sign all the contracts. Hopefully it won’t be too long now.
i know!! Ive been visiting this site everyday for nearly a month now this is serious buisness!!!! Im sure SEGA and dreadknux will impress as soon as theyve freed us from this long, LONG wait!!!!!!!
xx xx
xx xx
i hope there be a part where they can draw your char
I’m from British Columbia Canada and I hope to make it this year, it would be my first SoS.
Wow, this is a really long trip!
Hope u have time and cash enough, to see other parts of Europe, cause it’s really worth it!
Dudes, THE TENSION IS PULLING ME APART!!!!!! C’mon deatils!!!! Be revealed!!!!!! hehe XX Cant wait!! XX
i am gonig there in july
i’m from scotland and i really want to go but i can’t for it’s to far away from me.
can’t SOS 2013 be in Scotland?? like in the middle of Scotland and England??
Where are the tickets coming from in the united states also are there going to be some tickets in syracuse
Oh My Lord! I am so happy to have found this convention! I am a massive (and I mean MASSIVE) Sonic fan, and I have been ever since I was about 3 years old, with my first game, Sonic Adventure, on the Dreamcast-since then, I’ve been hooked! I live in Liverpool in the UK, and so I am even more excited that its situated in London-at least its not in America or something like that! I will be coming next year, as this year I am busy singing at a wedding on the weekend of SoS :/ But I will definately be there next year-I wouldn’t want to miss this!
So looking forward to it!
By the way-the fact that you lot get CRUSH 40 in
there-OH MY GOD. I am so there next year
All Hail Silver ♥