Wow! As of this writing, we’ve reached 500 Likes on our new Facebook Page, and hit over 230 followers on our dedicated Twitter account! Amazing! Keep it up! We’d like to take this milestone opportunity to let you know that the Summer of Sonic is going all-out with its collaborations and interactions with the fan base this year. Our convention is known for letting Sonic-lovers get close to their heroes and showing off the creativity of the fan base, and this year – our fifth convention – will be no different.
Summer of Sonic 2012 will be seeing a return of the popular Showcase, which allowed certain talented fans to get up on stage and display their talent to the crowd! The Artist Alley – a selection of tables showing off the fanart of some truly inspiring contributors – will return for you to see the wealth of creativity that the fan base has!
It can be argued that nothing is more creative than cosplay, and boy are we highlighting this! We’ve been blown away by the increasing quality and imagination of our cosplayers – from full-on Sally suits to homemade Piko Piko Hammers and Wes Weasley outfits – and we will be hosting a heck of a cosplay contest at Summer of Sonic 2012!
Our good friends Sonic the Comic: Online will be present to showcase its fan continuation of the classic 1990s Egmont Fleetway publication of the same name (minus the ‘Online’ part, of course!), and they won’t be the only ones showing off their flair at the event. Keep an eye out for some fan animations and shorts to be played for your entertainment too – we can’t reveal exactly what these are at the moment, but rest assured you can bet that the usual suspects are involved!
Finally, we can confirm, due to overwhelming popularity last year, that Club Sonic will return for a second round of audience interaction! We loved putting on a show for you guys in a unique way, and we want to do it all over again with a brand new playlist!
Further details on all of these great activities will be revealed as we near the Summer of Sonic convention date – but trust me when I say we’ve just brushed the tip of the iceberg, even with the fan interaction!
More announcements to come… sooner than you think!
I can’t wait !
Can we expect some talks or fan workshops as well?
I’d love to give some talks on filmmaking and
what could make a good fan-film!
Club Sonic and the Showcase section
were two of the highlights from SOS11 for me so I’m happy to
see them back 
Fine, fine… but now how about officially announcing the location of the venue & giving out the first tickets? All the cool premise, Facebook & Twitter pages are nice, but not what everyone is waiting for right now.
Be patient. They’ll announce that stuff once they can.
Pingback: Greater Focus on Fan Interaction at Summer of Sonic 2012 « SEGADriven
Updates! Keep em coming! xD
so happy club sonic will be back this year!
Glad to see the return of club sonic and the fan animations and shorts. Also glad to see the fan artists are returning. I bought some really awesome stuff from them last year.
please say sonic and all stars racing transformed will be playable
This sounds awesome! I’ve already started on my cosplay! I’ll be sure to be at the art work area an awful lot too! XD Will there be any art competitions?
It sounds like it’s gonna be so much fun
I’m also makeing a cosplay outfit. Will there be
a cosplay contest?
@Shadey There’s a cosplay contest during the day where you can win a prize. All the cosplayers go on stage and get whittled down by the audience until there’s a winner. @ScourgeTheHedgehog For the past few years an art competition has been held where there has been a prize available for the best artwork on the day. Hope this helps both of you.
so there will be people who are willing to draw your fan characters?
ohboyohboyohboy! I’m so excited already!!!
Wow, if anyones going as wes weasly, I musy get a photo!
Is there any idea of when we can call for tickets?
Can’t contain the excitement!! Would be cool if we could have Hatsune Miku singing Sonic themes similar to those concerts they did in Japan and the US! she dressed in Sonic Cosplay for Sonic’s 20th. Ah, Sonic even has vocaloids for fans!!! XD Im hungry for more details : )
Will there be an attended cloakroom (a place where you can leave bags and stuff) this time, so people don’t have to carry their stuff around with them all day long, while fighting their way through the masses?
Me and my fiancee will be coming, cosplaying as Sonic and Tails, I can’t wait.
I’m autistic and I am obsessed with Sonic the Hedgehog.
I just need to know how to sign up and where I can book the tickets to go to the Summer of Sonic, please? There will be my mum who is also my carer and myself attending to come. If you please urgently reply as soon as possible, it will be much appreciated.
Many thanks!
You’ll have to keep an eye on the main site to see when they will be announcing the final wave of tickets and try your luck in signing up for one. Good luck to you!
Quisiera que hicieran un evento de Summer de Sonic aqui en Mexico DF porque la verdad quiero ir a uno, pero la economia de aqui no me permite ir a Inglaterra, espero y escuchen mi peticion