We just wanted to let you guys know that there will be more ways to interact with The Summer of Sonic, starting this year! We have launched a brand spanking new Twitter account, along with a dedicated Facebook Page.
We’ll be relaying all our announcements – made on this website – via these social media outlets, so that you are always in the know about the latest guest or activity! We’ll also be using Twitter and Facebook to open a more friendly conversation with our attendees and fans, in a way that we can’t really do on the official website.
Follow our Twitter account: @summerofsonic
Like our Facebook Page: The Summer of Sonic
We already have a Facebook Group in place for the convention – but this will likely be phased out in favour of the Facebook Page. So if you are a member of the Group, please make sure you Like the Page too, so you do not miss any important official announcements!
Enjoy following us! And while I’m here, we’d like to apologise again for keeping you waiting on further details regarding location and venue – trust me when we say that it’ll all be worth it!
Traditionally, the location and venue announcements have always been the ‘big hump’ that we as organisers need to get over. That’s due to a number of legal and security matters that need to be agreed by all parties before we can safely host a huge Sonic party for you all.
The fact we had to change our location this year – away from the usual home of London in past years – has added to this hump. Know that once the venue and location is announced – which will be very, very soon – a whole heap of other announcements will be made very quickly indeed. You won’t be waiting around.
Svend / Dreadknux
Liked both pages now ;D also considering making a Twitter just so I can be up to date C:
Ill be there no matter where it is 
And good luck to you guys for finding a venue
Shoot, I ain’t on Facebook or Twitter! Oh well at least I can check up on the site anyways, hope tickets come soon!
Yay summer of sonic is bac on track!!!
I’ve liked both the Twitter and
FaceBook pages with the latter being the one I use the most.
Can’t wait to see what you guys have in store for us this
I don’t have a facebook or twitter account, but it’s a good idea for those who do. I’ll just keep on checking the site regularly, which is at least 5 times a day. Good luck finding a location. It doesn’t matter where the venue is, as long as it’s somewhere safe, this year’s SOS is gonna be awesome.
I can see me not being able to attend due to the fact you have to “move” the event.
If you were worried about it because of the Olympics, why didn’t you just have SOS in the middle/end August.
Beginning of July isn’t even a big deal, Olympics aren’t even on until the end of July. The only thing there is gonna be a mass of is people. Which is normal for London anyway.
I am sorry you feel like you will not want to attend because of the move. If you live in London, or are planning to visit London over that weekend, I can promise you that any extra journey you may have to make will not be massive. For a tiny bit of extra travel, we will host an event that you will not forget. And that’s another promise.
It can be difficult to fully explain our reasons behind moving away from London, largely because a lot of it has to do with logistics and behind-the-scenes planning that we are not prepared to disclose. But believe me when I say that the decision to move away from London was not taken lightly, the alternative location was chosen with consideration to as many people as possible, and that our reasons for doing this are not as simple as just ‘the Olympics’.
I think, for Londoners, it would do you all some good to attend a convention that’s not on your doorstep anyway.
Go out and explore the world. Have a little Sonic
I don’t live in London, I live in Surrey, about 30 to 40 miles away from the centre of London and it’s costly on the train to get there too because South West Trains are greedy.
I go to London alot so traveling around there was pretty easy for me, so traveling anywhere outside of my home towns/london is going to freak me out on whether i’ll be able to get there.
I shall have to see on where abouts it’s held before I can make a final decision on whether I can get there.
I don’t really want to miss the chance of going to SoS the day after my birthday ):
Eugh, don’t get me started on SW trains. Blooming engineering works every week. It’s ridiculous. They’re not as bad as first great western though.
I waited outside the Camden centre for over 5 hours to get in last year. I’m definitely coming this time. I don’t want to miss a thing… =D
is the event still being held in the outskirts of london or somewhere completely different? if it is being held somewhere that isn’t london it’s going to be quite difficult for those coming from abroad.
We have chosen the location and venue with deep consideration for those entering London, and those traveling from abroad. When we announce the venue, we will provide specific travel details that will get you from the airport to the location, or from London should overseas travellers choose to stay in a hotel in the capital city.
Awwww… I loved the FB group…
Ah well, I bet the page will be just as awesome
Can’t wait for where it is!!! good luck people
wait….so its not going to be in London? or did i read that wrong?
This may seem well… simple for most attendants from different continents but im traveling from cardiff to london on my own ^-^’ im scared cause it’s my first time i dont know anyone but im really quite excited
… im 13 and honestly not very social but anyone
who wants to meet me there e-mail me cause i dont wanna sit there
waiting for someone to spill a drink on me lol 
@KirbyLinkFan I’m confused as well.
@KirbyLinkFan I’m confused as well. Thanks for replying aswell Svend.
Will the new location be further down London? Or further up?
I saw a few SoS guys at Axel Rudi Pell in Camden last week. Please tell me Johnny agreed to come to Summer Of Sonic!!
my friend is on that photo (with the green
hair – cosplaying Scourge the Hedgehog) but me (shahra the
genie of the ring) next to him is outta sight:( lolz cant wait to
get my travel information… wanna book a hotel close by, but
cant until the location is concrete now… sooo hurry up guys
:p *getting jibbly*