You want more Summer of Sonic 2012 tickets, we’ll give you more! As promised, we will be launching a second wave of tickets very soon – we can announce that they will be released on Friday 25th May at 18:00 BST.
There will be 200 tickets available. Groups will be allowed to register once again in this wave, but due to the overwhelming demand from Wave 1 we will be limiting Group applications to two people per ticket, instead of four.
We can announce that after we have processed tickets for Wave 2, we will be releasing a final third wave of tickets so that we can be sure that no space is wasted. We were originally going to have just two waves, but we’re doing all we can to get as many people in the venue as possible!
Just like the first wave, all tickets will be subject to our Terms and Conditions of Entry. You can read this in advance of the ticket launch by clicking here.
Oh yes
I’m gonna need to be quick to
snap up myself a ticket 
How exactly do u sign up to get a ticket?
Or do u get the chance to get it on the date and time? (If the tickets are still available)?
You get tickets by filling out a registration form when the next wave goes live on the SOS website. You’re gonna need to be quick though as the first wave went in under 3 minutes. Without a ticket, you can’t get in and I don’t think they’ll have them at the event on the day sorry
Okay thank you sir, will do my best to fill it out at 18.00 otherwise will try my best for next year
Sir, I am hoping to order 2 group tickets (if I am lucky) to surprise some friends at the MCM Expo on sunday, if they cannot make it even thought I ordered 2 group tickets, can I refund it to make it a single ticket so that more people can come.
THIS is all if I do get the chance to order them!
If you have reserved tickets for people that suddenly change their mind and cannot come, contact the SOS team at and let them know that you have tickets that you do not need and make sure to provide your details so they can look you up and free up the tickets so they can have more for the third and final wave
Missed the chance only the 3rd and Final Wave are my last chance otherwise it will be next year
I am goanna move heven and earth to get those tickets.:)
Good idea doing a smaller wave, guys.
Bit difficult to release more when we already got rid of the majority of our tickets in the first wave!
Is it possible that, if I’m quick enough, I do a ticket for myself – and then I can also do another ticket for two friends who can’t make the registration?
It certainly is!
If you’re quick enough.
If you do, don’t make the same mistake I did, by registering the second ticket on the same screen it gives you when you registered the first one. Load the registry page in 2 separate tabs if you have to! ^^;
Precisely my thought!
Only hope I can manage to get a ticket for myself and my friend
So, Wave 2 during London Expo, huh? Aheheh, some of my friends aren’t gonna be happy with that ^^;
Well, here’s hoping for the best anyway!
Every week, we’d be colliding with something. People asked for a time different to the weekend for Wave 2, so we’re doing that. Sadly, we can’t hope to accommodate everyone. Simply a case of ‘if you really want to go’ moments, eh?
Any chance of the third wave being released two or three hours later and/or on a Sunday, when some of those of us who work won’t still be in the office or commuting?
Will you be allowed to come if you haven’t got a passport or a drivers licence?
Hi there… Sorry, I don’t know where to ask this question directly but I’m wondering what age you need to be to enter?
Apologies if it’s printed somewhere but I can’t seem to find anything…
I’m 19 myself but wondering if I can take my niece. Any info on age restrictions would be great.
Thank you!
People of all ages can come but but visitors under 15 years of age should be accompanied by a suitable parent or guardian as the organisers accept no responsibility for those attending the event.
(That’s the small print at the bottom!)
what a relief!
Good luck to all who still need tickets! Hope to see you there!
Ahh thank youu
you must have known i wasnt working this time lol
(i was gonna walk out of work anyway to make
this wave haha)
I really hope that I can get a ticket this time round, for myself and a family member. I think it’s a good idea that the group sizes have been reduced, to help stop people from hogging extra tickets.
yh, i need a ticket for me and my dad too still… if i cant get one now, ill die!!
this is the most awsome event in the whole jear and
the only thing, i never want to miss… *thumbs up* for all of
us who need tickets 
What on earth is the Terms and Conditions going on about when it says”You are not allowed to take any recordings within the event”? This is news to me!
We have had this clause in the Terms and Conditions of Entry every year. This is purely to cover us from those who wish to profit from Summer of Sonic by recording professionally. We also have to have this clause in by default because bands sometimes do not like to be recorded when performing. This has always been at the discretion of the venue staff and/or bands on the day though, and it’s safe to say that if you want to simply record some memories whilst there that you won’t be punished for it!
I’ve been every year so far, SOS has become one of the highlights of my year so I refuse to miss out. And I’ve already booked the time off work, what else am I supposed to do that weekend?
i will go there pleae dont sale out
I shall be busy that day so i wont even try to get my ticket then, im guessing the last wave will single tickets only? But so far it doesn’t look like i’ll be coming this year, no big loss for you guys but i was really looking forward to this year.
Nevermind, i have 1 chance left.
I must get tickets in the second wave for me and my dad
Damn! I’m on the road that day and may not have a reliable internet connection due to being on 3G. I’ll try my best to get one, but is it allowed for someone to add me as part of group if I can’t make it and I just go with said person as part of a group?
That’s fine!
Ok, thanks!
“two people per ticket” – Does this mean that 1 ticket will get 2 of us in, or that I can only register for 2 tickets? Or something else entirely?
It means you can have up to two people enter on one ticket.
OK thanks. There was a tad of confusion within our 3 person party.
This one may go even quicker than the last (as there are less tickets) so I recommend that you guys should get up early and have the SoS site up and running ready, that way your in for a chance of getting one, that’s what I did and my dad managed to get a couple for us
Did that last time. Still didn’t get tickets. Gonna type faster this time…if that’s…easy?
well this isn’t exitced in fact im not pleased with group part thingy :I
must try to get tickets xD it’ll be harder to make group tickets :C
me, my dad, mum, lil bro and his friend going but i guess it might never happen xD because of group tickets :I
i really disappointing with this one :I i really do
If the last one with double tickets sold out in 3 minutes then expect this one to sell out in half time! I’m going to try and be faster than Sonic to snag a ticket. Let’s see, it’s at 6pm so I should have plenty of time to check my internet is working fine and to make sure I’m the only one using the internet.
I’m glad it wasn’t on Saturday as I’m going to London Expo with mates
Maybe it would be a better idea if in future they did a parents’ ticket, and a room for parents’, for those that need a parent with them. Then more Sonic fans would get be able to attend the venue and parents not to far away, but not needing a venue ticket.
MCM weekend = no internet access these are sad times
*third wave* Omg yes I still have a slim chance
at first i was like “OH NO! i got college on that day. i’ma miss it” then when it said 18:00, i was like “alright so it’s gonna go good. i hope i can get my 2 tickets then”
What time would it be in Miami during 18:00 BST? I have no idea. :”C
Either 13:00 or 14:00, depending on whether you’re using Daylight Savings Time or not.
Well not in military time, “normal time” x’D And I guess using daylights saving time..?
Pingback: 200 More SOS Tickets to Release Friday | TSSZ News
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Pingback: Release Date of Wave 2 Summer of Sonic Tickets Announced | The Sonic Stadium
Let’s see, it’s a weekday, it’s the end of the week. It’s the evening therefore and considering that groups have already got theirs that means *does calculations* there should be a better chance of me getting my ticket this time!
how do you register one ticket for two? will it be an option when registering?
I have an 8 year old son with Aspergers syndrome (which is a form of autism) who thinks he is the worlds biggest Sonic fan. He is desparate to go to SOS 2012 but I missed out on the first wave of tickets and am so worried I won’t be quick enough again, he will be heartbroken. Is there any help or advice I can get?
Hi there! We are always willing to help, but unfortunately we get a LOT of requests such as this in regards to tickets, so we can only ask you to keep an eye on the Summer of Sonic news posts, get ready for the second and final waves of tickets and try to get yourself some for the day. We cannot really do much more than that due to overwhelming demand from everyone – including mothers in a similar situation. Sorry!
Hi there! The best thing to do is to make sure at first that whatever clock you are going by is running EXACTLY to British Summer Time. When I got my tickets in wave 1, the clock on my computer was fast so I mistakenly thought that the ticket link was late, however I checked on a different clock to find that my computer was about 3 mins fast, so make sure your clock is running exactly to BST.
you can find BST by following the link:
Also, I did actually sit at my computer for up to an hour before the tickets were released just to make sure. Make sure that as soon as it is 18:00PM by the very second, you are on this website so you can click on the “Register Tickets” button. Have your home adress, email, and telephone number pre-written infront of you so you can just type it in fast.
I really really hope this helps you both – the very best of luck for getting tickets! : )
(By the way, incase my last reply went the wrong person, it was for Mumofsonicfan XD Sorry for any confusion!)
Or you can put your details on the computer so you can copy paste to make it quicker to enter your details
We did that but it didnt help
Honestly I think next ear you should charge money for tickets. Just think of how many people would be willing to pay in order to go and with that money you could get even grander things for SOS (Don’t know how it gets grander than Yuji Naka (SOS 2011) or Crush 40 (SOS 2010/12). Maybe Roger Craig Smith or someone like that). That way there would still be the same amount of tickets sold and a much fairer chance for those who aren’t exactly the fastest typers.
I managed to get a ticket but one problem for me is my friend wants to come as well now is it worth me going through the whole process again or will my friend beable to get in on the same ticket as me. I didn’t get a group ticket since I planned on meeting people there is there anyway of changing the ticket so he can come as well if the ticket is just for one or will I have to go through the whole process again to get an extra ticket for him?
I guess you will just be glad you got a ticket we didnt
Good luck to everyone in wave 2 today
Please help! My application from Wave one still has the green box saying “Thank you for your ticket application. It is now pending, please check the sidebar for more information.” and this morning it now says “If you want to make another application, please click here.”
Does that mean i was unsuccessful in Wave one as i dont know if i should re-apply; i dont want to take the chance of a ticket from anyone else by applying twice.
Have you check your email for a link?
If you have one then you got a ticket.
If not you’ll have to try again
Don’t worry, mine says that aswell. As dreadknux said in a previous comment, you are pretty much guaranteed a ticket if you got the green box. I think it says that incase you need to get tickets for other friends, family members etc who maybe missed wave 1. They also said that if there are any problems with your ticket app, they will email you about it. We are still going to SOS don’t worry! XD
Thank you Spikey
I just paniced abit as there is alot of anxiety (understandable!) on here and with everything up in the air I was worried when i never got a follow up email from the first one, but yes i have the green box so fingers crossed!
Thank you again
and good luck in the third wave too : )
only a few minutes left… hopefully…. *thumbs up* for all to get a ticket
Anyone from Wave 1 got their tickets through yet? Just wondering cause I thought I heard that they’d be sent out before wave 2 from somewhere.
I got my tix from wave 2.
Ok the green bar came up saying it was successful but now when I go on the page (which is sold out) it says that they are sold out. Does that mean I’m in?
Also a question. What if I input the wrong email since it can’t be changed if they are sold out.
Uh-oh. I think I may have put my old e-mail. Don’t 100% sure but what happens if I have put the wrong e-mail in?
If you’ve got an e-mail saying it is pending, that means you’re okay. That happened to me too.
To avoid that, simply bookmark or favourite the page, so that you never lose it.
Then aw crap I put the wrong email…I think
If I gave the rest of the details I put into the application can’t the team change my email. I really don’t want to wait for Wave 3 if I don’t have to. It said I could right before they sold out…then they sold out meaning I couldn’t change it.
Unless the emails don’t go out instantly
I’ve looked around for support links, try contacting – or something.
Just sent them an email. Thanks for linking it to me
Ok i think ive been cheated on Wave 2, i input all my details and hit send before it even went 18:01 pm BSt and they were already gone, i find that doing tickets in waves is becoming a bit unfair as people are possibly using form auto complete programs to gain tickets….
This is ridiculous, I submitted at 18.01 and still did not get tickets for my son. Perhaps the organisers of this event would come round and try and explain this to my autistic son!!!!!
i know what you mean, being slightly autistic myself, i hope that if they find any incomplete ones they send some of those our way….
Im so sorry you didn’t manage to get one for you and your son
But don’t give up hope yet
Theres gonna be one more wave
I totally get it my daughter is obsessed with sonic and has autism as well and my husband and I both filled in a form and non of us got it. it was less than a minute. As I am sure would be the case with your son they cannot go on their own and need someone with them so 2 tickets required.
YES!! I’m so happy! This’ll be my first SoS i’ve been to
Same here.
Hope you’ll enjoy it
Can’t believe i missed out on the 2nd wave again! honestly this was completed in under 20 seconds and still missed out. Gutted
I don’t know if me and my friend got in, i did it in less then a minute and then it went to the “sold out” screen
Okay, that was insane. Filled out the form in less than half a minute and I still didn’t manage to get it. I’m so angry I could punch a hole in a solid concrete wall!
I’m wondering if people are just filling out their names and leaving the rest of it blank, because that’s literally the only way I can see someone else submitting the form faster than I did. I even copy pasted all my info so I wouldn’t be slow typing it.
they would use the autofill feature on their browsers
My husband and I were right on it the minute it went up and had form filled out in a minute and never got any tickets this is ridiculous you should have released another 4oo this time not only 200.
i cant believe it. i filled it out within a minute and still didnt get one
umm, well now I got 2 Tickets for me and my father…
but I still have no for my little bro and my mom, damn!
oh god, please will there be a wave 3 ????!!!
I cannot do this to my bro
well as no one answered my question before please give me some sort of hope because i just failed to get 2nd ticket
my friend wants to come with me to sos but i only
managed to get 1 ticket in the 1st wave and it was’nt a group
ticket will he still beable to come in with me on the day or will i
have to leave him behind i don’t like leaving people behind
and i really want him there plus it’s my first time coming

One ticket, one person I’m afraid.
this is MAD! it’s soo unfair D: they were like out under one mind! completely… unacceptable! seriously it’s spoilt people into horrible mood :I like me
i really want to swears SO badly!
Got my ticket this time
Roll on July 7th 
No tickets in less than a minute. WHAT THE FUCK?
Hi I just wanted to say I’m really disappointed with the way tickets are being done this year! My brother and sister have been to every one except the first and I have been to 2 of them but we are now finding it impossible to get tickets.
BOTH waves we have missed out and we have entered our details in less than a minute, only to find the tickets are all already gone.
I know it is a popular event but how the hell are we supposed to get tickets now? I’m giving up hope on a chance of getting them in the 3rd wave and its putting me off going to events in the future, which is a shame because I am a big Sonic fan and have enjoyed the events I have been to. My brother and sister, and I’m sure many other fans will be very disappointed too…
Am so sad to miss out again. Been going for the past two years and now it’s so huge that can’t even get a ticket. Think you just need to accept that you need bigger venues and I for one would be happy to pay an entrance fee instead of all this stress!
agreed. I would be more than happy to pay a fee, than this. First come first served? No I’m sorry, I refreshed my browser every 5 seconds, I PASTED my details… it’s just insane! :’(
Might I suggest in the future to program the tickets so that instead of accepting the first 400 or 200 forms that are submitted, you instead accept the first 400 or 200 people that click the link in time and then have the form to fill out at their leisure? That way there isn’t the stress of rushing to fill out the form, there’s less chance of an error in doing so, and any spambots that are somehow getting in there will still be blocked. I’d also suggest one of those anti bot measures like the ones where you type in the random letters shown, since that would not only prevent bots, but it would also prevent people from exploiting things like an auto form filling program or filling out the form incompletely or incorrectly and then just claiming they made a mistake after the fact.
Just a couple of suggestions so you can avoid such controversy and stress and bitterness amongst loyal fans for the next time. I’m actually quite calm about the whole thing considering this time I’m literally certain there was absolutely nothing else I could have done to get the form filled any faster. If I find out there’s been exploitation and such going on, I will be mad, but if it literally is this many dedicated fans who just were that millisecond quicker than me, then all power to them.
I agree, i mean one of the biggest problems is that they didn’t include the box where you put in a security code to stop spambots and i do feel like this whole ticket thing has been exploited, i don’t feel that it is logical for things to just go in a matter of seconds, it just doesn’t make seance, how is that even possible?
My uncle got tickets for summer of sonic but can not go will he be able to change the name on them so me and my dad can use them ????
If your uncle clicks on the email link he can change the name on the ticket
But you cannot change the number of people who can get in using the ticket, sorry
Wow thank you so much for that info!
@Bradley Yeah I completely get where your coming from, I swear that if I was one millisecond faster I could of gotten a ticket myself
You know whats funny, me and my bro randomly forgot about the tickets DX lol oh well hopefully we can get two in wave 3.
Got my confirmation letter. All I can say is, good luck with Wave 3.
WHY!!! Just WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok, this is getting insane… 200 tickets gone in 20 seconds!? it was a BIG mistake putting these news on the Facebook side!! see, there was a bithday party “tessa” wanted to invite her friends but clicked the wrong button, soon she had 1000 people wanting to come celebrate her 16th!! im thinking SoS will end like one of these facebook-partys, ppl only join to make fun of it and ruin the day for other casual visitors!! even if i would LOOOVE to go to SoS, for all the awsome special guests… but im already thinking of cancle it all and hope for next year not to become a facebook-party like this is becoming right now. sorry all and for all who seriously wanna go there, have fun.
Somehow… I doubt any of that will happen.
I feel that as soon as you click the link to get a ticket, you should be guaranteed a ticket so you can fill out out your details and read the terms and conditions at your leisure.
No one would’ve believed that the Summer of Sonic will be sold out so quickly. Though slowly but surely, the event has become the most popular of them all.
Why you no be in australia?
When will we be able to print off our tickets? Can’t wait till July 7th
I am autistic and I am obsessed with Sonic the Hedgehog.
Can somebody please tell me when exactly the third wave of tickets will come out? As I do not want to miss this final chance. I have my mum which she is also my carer are attending to this event.
Also, where do I need to make sure that I apply for two tickets?